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340 total results found

Visuals: Images, Videos, and Objects

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Visuals: Images, Videos, and Objects LEARNING OUTCOMES Add images and clip art Add videos Arrange objects Adding Images and Clip Art Adding art, images and photographs is a way to both personalize your slides and reinforce your messag...

Assignment: Developing and Delivering Business Presentations

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Assignment: Developing and Delivering Business Presentations Step 1: To view this assignment, click on Assignment: Developing and Delivering Business Presentations. Step 2: Follow the instructions in the assignment and submit your completed assignment into t...

Introduction to Scheduling a Meeting

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 9 - Communicating Through Techno...

Introduction to Scheduling a Meeting What you’ll learn to do: Use common planning tools to schedule business meetings Obviously, before you conduct a meeting, you need to plan and schedule it. Often, getting everyone in the same space—physical, mental, or cy...

Comparing Communication Tools

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 9 - Communicating Through Techno...

Comparing Communication Tools LEARNING OUTCOMES Recognize the strengths and weaknesses of various tool categories These choices can seem overwhelming, especially if you’re not a technology nerd. In order to get past the panic and make so...

Online Communication

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 9 - Communicating Through Techno...

Online Communication LEARNING OUTCOMES Compare and contrast common tools for screen / web sharing Explore multifeature online platforms / virtual office spaces Screen Sharing / Web Sharing Sometimes the most important aspect of your me...

Video Communication

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 9 - Communicating Through Techno...

Video Communication LEARNING OUTCOMES Compare and contrast common tools for video communication The tools and platforms available to you for video communication generally work in more or less the same ways, though the details of features...

Audio Communication

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 9 - Communicating Through Techno...

Audio Communication LEARNING OUTCOMES Compare and contrast common tools for audio communication You may be asking yourself why we’re taking the time to learn how to have a phone call, but this is more nuanced than you may think. The fact...

Introduction to Communication Tools

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 9 - Communicating Through Techno...

Introduction to Communication Tools What you’ll learn to do: Recognize common types of tools for audio, video, and web sharing tools The set of specific sites, applications, and platforms for communication grows almost daily, and each service offers its own ...

Why It Matters: Communicating Through Technology

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 9 - Communicating Through Techno...

Why It Matters: Communicating Through Technology Why learn to participate in meetings using phone and video conferencing tools? Both personal and professional communications are becoming increasingly dependent on technology. Everything from ordering dinner f...

Putting It Together: Developing and Delivering Business Presentations

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Putting It Together: Developing and Delivering Business Presentations Let’s return to your presentation for SB ’18 and assume you were able to power through your doubts and accept the call. Now that you have a solid understanding of presentation tools, option...

Introduction to Using Google Slides

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Introduction to Using Google Slides What you’ll learn to do: Create a presentation using Google Slides Google Slides is a free program that’s part of Google’s suite of web-based applications, including Google Docs (word processing), Sheets (spreadsheets), Sl...

Making a Presentation for a Meeting

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Making a Presentation for a Meeting LEARNING OUTCOMES Create a presentation intended for a business meeting With perspective on the technical tools, communications planning and information design, let’s take this learning for a test driv...

Bad Presentations

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Bad Presentations LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss common mistakes in presentations For many, the prospect of developing and delivering a business presentation rates right up there with death and taxes. Interestingly, that same mixture of fear ...

What’s my Presentation About

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

What’s my Presentation About LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify the purpose, audience, and message of your presentation It may be helpful to think of your presentation as having three key parts or interlocking gears: purpose, audience and messag...

Parts of a Good Presentation

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Parts of a Good Presentation LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify key features of a good presentation Like reverse engineering a product, we can distill the key features of a good presentation by looking at presentation evaluation scorecards. Refe...

Introduction to Making a Presentation for a Meeting

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Introduction to Making a Presentation for a Meeting What you’ll learn to do: Create a presentation intended for a business meeting Tools, no matter how sophisticated, are simply tools. Moving from the right tools to a good presentation involves perspective a...

Images, Videos, and Arranging Objects

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Images, Videos, and Arranging Objects LEARNING OBJECTIVES Add images and clip art Add videos Arrange objects Images and Clip Art Figure 1. Using art and images adds impact and provides welcome relief to ...

Text Boxes and Themes

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Text Boxes and Themes LEARNING OBJECTIVES Insert text boxes Change presentation themes Text Boxes As with most actions in Google slides, there are multiple ways to add a text box: Select the Text box icon from the main menu (s...

Creating and Organizing Presentations

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Creating and Organizing Presentations LEARNING OUTCOMES Create and save a new presentation Add, delete, and move slides Googles Slides is free to use, but to do so requires a Google account. If you don’t already have a Google account (i...

Polling Tools

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 9 - Communicating Through Techno...

Polling Tools LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss when and how to use polling tools In a meeting that has lots of people in various locations and several agenda items to accomplish, it can be a little scary to make sure you have all the details na...