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Excel Chapter 1
Excel Chap 1 – Spreadsheet Basics What is a Spreadsheet? Entering, Selecting and Inserting Data Manipulating Sheets Formatting Worksheets Creating Formulas to Perform Calculations Copying and Pasting Formulas Adding Basic Functions to Formulas Insert...
4. Marketing Mix
5. Human Resource Management
6. Accounting and Finance
7. Management
8. International Business
9. Technology & Information
Book Slides
The Research Methods
This is a short presentation of the main research methods, as they apply to social science. Methods are presented in the following groups. First, the direct methods, which implicate humans directly, are the Survey, the Experiment, and Field Work. Second, ...
Your Science Report
This section is about your project. We are going to take this step by step. It will end up being a pretty big project. But trust me. You can do it. Here are a few excerpts from past student projects (with permission): On James McGill, founder of th...
EDI Matters
EDI Matters Being a Champion of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Introduction to EDI An overview of the main guiding concepts of EDI will be covered in this EDI or Equity Diversity Inclusion module. We'll discuss the meanings of culture and cultural comp...
Rocky Mountains Insurance - Case Study - Innovatank Publishing
Authors: Jaime Pablo and Mohit Parmar If you are using this case in the classroom or sharing it in any way, be sure to credit Innovatank Publishing - Jaime Pablo & Mohit Parmar. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareA...
What is Economics?
Why Should I Care? Environmental destruction, global warming, poverty, and the state of democracy are all phenomena which are linked to what we produce, how we produce, and where we produce. Those are pretty important issues, but economics also affects myriad...
Important Economic Terms
Why Should I Care? We must agree on basic definitions before we start arguing about how to run the show. In this module we will discuss the terms that most economists use and agree on. This Lecture Has 4 Parts Products Suppliers Flows and Stocks Resour...
Word Chapter 1
Word Chapter 1: Developing Documents Exploring the Word Window Entering and editing text o Paragraph and line spacing o Automatic features Spelling and grammar checking Selecting text Cut, copy and paste Finding and replacing text Creating bulleted ...
2. Business Tools
Word Chapter 2
Word Chapter 2: Formatting Documents Defining font and text attributes Setting paragraph alignment and hyphenation Utilizing the Format Painter Indenting paragraphs Setting tabs and tab stops Creating and formatting tables Inserting headers and footers ...
Excel Chapter 2
Excel Chap 2 – Beyond the Basics Absolute versus Static References Understanding Complex Formulas Date & Time Functions Logical Functions More Math Functions Sorting and Filtering Conditional Formatting Pie Charts Bar & Column Charts Line Charts ...
Powerpoint Chapter 1
PowerPoint Chapter 1: Creating Presentations Planning a presentation Adding and deleting slides Adding slide text versus slide notes Creating bulleted and numbered lists Comparing presentation views Utilizing tables and charts Inserting and modifying gr...
Powerpoint Chapter 2
PowerPoint Chapter 2:Enhancing Presentations Adding slide transitions Apply animations to slide content Adding and modifying audio Adding and modifying video Inserting and modifying hyperlinks Utilizing templates and slide masters Employing proofing too...
Positive and Normative Principles
Why Should I Care? Many of the arguments presented by economists are based on models and a formal pattern of logic. These arguments are quite convincing and they actually affect your daily life, because they affect the labour market, tax levels, and price inf...
The Problem of Scarcity
Why Should I Care? Everyone might want or need a private jet. And God knows our needs and wants are unlimited, in both quantity and diversity of goods. Unfortunately, we can’t produce all these things because resources are limited. This is the problem that ke...
The Costs of Production
Why Should I Care? Compare clean water and diamonds, which is more expensive? Which is more important? Understanding the meaning of value, and how prices are set, may unlock the often-frustrating mysteries of market prices. This Lecture Has 5 Parts Accoun...
The Three Most Cited Economists
Why Should I Care? These guys are dead. But their ideas are still relevant to this day. What they wrote about economics is at the heart of our most controversial issues and debates. Free trade, recession, poverty… These three thinkers will help give you a be...
Systems Analysis
Why Should I Care Studying scarcity, choices and trade-offs is important. However, the fact that we are over-producing green house gases is telling that we aren't focusing enough on the economic system, and the secondary productions that cause negative outcom...
1.1 Entrepreneurship Today
LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Define entrepreneur and entrepreneurship Describe types of entrepreneurial careers and lifestyles Understand entrepreneurs as problem solvers Explain current factors driving the grow...
Legal Context of HRM
The Black Lives Matter movement and the call for a ‘new’ police In the Spring of 2020, while the pandemic raged on, people from around the world rallied around a common cause: Black Lives Matter. This social movement has focused on a quest for liber...
The Basics of Markets and Transactions
Why Should I Care? Many economists believe the “free market” knows best. This opinion has great influence over the laws of the land, and the level of government intervention in everyday life. But what are markets exactly, and are they “free”? This Lecture Ha...
Marshall's Supply and Demand
Why Should I Care? How can you make predictions about the future? Markets are subject to complex environments, with a multiplicity of actors, and even more shocks coming in from all sorts of random directions. There is a way to sort through the chaos. This L...
3. Business Formation
1. Introduction & Environments
SAMIELY Collection
The Samie Ly Collection includes innovative curriculum in the field of business , research and data analytics. View profile in
Business Communication Skills for Managers
Educ Industrie Collection
Introduction to Economics
Charles-Albert Ramsay Introductory text for college and freshman-university courses in Principles of Economics, including Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, History of Economic Thought, and the Economics of Climate Change and the Environment.
Introduction to Business - W23 Update
1. Introduction & Environments 2. Business Tools 3. Business Formation 4. Marketing Mix 5. Human Resources 6. Accounting & Finance 7. Management 8. International Business 9. Technology and Information
Research Methods
An introduction to social science research techniques and academic best practices. Covers types of data, documentation, library searches, online searches, as well as the scientific method including hypothesis, design, causality, and qualitative methods includi...
Case Competition Series - Coaching
Managing People_Dawson College
In this course, students are introduced to the field of organizational behaviour and human resources management. This course is created through the contribution of multiple authors including the sources below: Innovatank publishing: Editors Jessica...
Initiation à l’économie globale
Charles-Albert Ramsay Texte d'introduction pour les cours collégiaux et universitaires de première année sur les principes de l'économie, y compris la microéconomie, la macroéconomie, l'histoire de la pensée économique et l'économie du changement climatique...
Project Management
This book covers the basics of project management. This includes the process of initiation, planning, execution, control and close out that all projects share. Author Adrienne Watt holds a Computer Systems Diploma (BCIT), a Bachelors in Technology (BCIT) and...
Fundamentals of Marketing
Introduction to Consumer Behavior
This open textbook was designed for students studying business or marketing at an undergraduate level. It draws on the fields of marketing, business, communications, media studies, psychology, sociology, and anthropology. The book invites readers to examine th...
Business Ethics
Business Ethics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester business ethics course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including case studies, application scenarios, and links to vid...
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Marketing is targeted at the core marketing course for undergraduate business majors and minors. The book is designed for conceptual accessibility to students who are relatively early in their business curriculum (such as second-year students), y...
Big Data Case Collection (Corporate)
Cases on Innovatank
Digital Marketing Strategy (Fall23)
Pierre-Yann Dolbec The Internet has transformed how businesses conduct their activities and how consumers go about buying products. This textbook aims to provide a way of conceptualizing how to do marketing online and a strategic framework to do so.
Basic Excel
Entrepreneurship (Ed23)
Introduction to Social Science Research
Skills, Sources, and Science. What Students Need to Succeed in College. by Charles-Albert Ramsay, Economics Department, Dawson College Marie-Pierre Gosselin, Psychology Department, Dawson College
Entrepreneurship - The Notebook
The Notebook series is a compilation of open source text and notes created by the authors to provide students an organized booklet for their studies.
Human Resource Management - The Notebook
The Science of Economies
This section covers important terms and concepts you need to understand economics as a social science.
365 Book
This section covers the microeconomic analysis of markets, including an individual transaction approach, a discussion of types of markets, including auctions, as well as a classical Marshallian approach, including a discussion of market power, and monopoly. Us...
This section covers macroeconomic aggregate measurements such as GDP, unemployment, and price inflation. Institutions discussed include Parliament, Bank of Canada. Topics include banking, credit unions, money, and cryptocurrency.
Macroeconomic Policy
This section discusses the macro institutions such as Parliament, the Central Bank, and their responsibilities in regard to fiscal, and monetary policies.
Economic Environment
Why Should I Care? The way markets work depends on how people react to changes. If people keep buying a product, even if the price increases, then market prices might not come back down as quickly. And consumers might get mad because they might feel trapped o...