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289 total results found

Defining the Message

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

Why the Message Matters A clear, consistent message can be the difference between a phenomenally successful marketing campaign and an utter waste of time and money. If you, as a marketer, have not defined your message clearly, how likely is it t...

Guerrilla Marketing

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

Guerrilla Marketing: Thinking Outside the Box Guerrilla marketing is a relatively new marketing strategy that relies on unconventional, often low-cost tactics to create awareness of and goodwill toward a brand, product, service, or even a company. The term “g...

Developing a Marketing Campaign and Budget

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

What you’ll learn to do: create a marketing campaign and budget using multiple IMC tools to execute a marketing strategy Marketing campaigns can be challenging to execute because they have so many complex, moving parts. That’s why it’s essential to plan. Plan...

Measuring Marketing Communication Effectiveness

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

Why Measure? Measurement is an important aspect of marketing campaigns and other marketing activity. Measurement makes some people very nervous because it brings accountability into marketing activity. In fact, this step can be one of a marketer’s best frie...

Measuring Marketing Communication Effectiveness

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

What you’ll learn to do: explain common tools used to measure marketing communication effectiveness After all the creativity, work, blood, sweat, and tears that go into a successful marketing campaign, your work is not done until you have measured the campaig...

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems and IMC

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

Using CRM to Support Marketing Communication Earlier in this course we introduced customer relationship management (CRM) systems, which serve key functions for marketing, sales, and account management. These systems capture data about customers as well as an ...

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems and IMC

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

What you’ll learn to do: describe the uses of customer relationship management (CRM) systems for marketing communication purposes An important tool for sales and marketing activities is the customer relationship management system (CRM). At their core, CRM sys...

Using IMC in the Sales Process

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

Through the Looking Glass: Understanding the Sales Process Up to this point, we’ve emphasized the importance of getting into the mindset of customers in order to market to them effectively. The consumer decision-making process outlines key stages people go th...

Using IMC in the Sales Process

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

What you’ll learn to do: explain how IMC tools support the sales process As you know very well by now, in every successful transaction, there’s a buyer and a seller. The consumer behavior module of this course describes the decision process consumers go thro...

Digital Marketing

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

Digital Marketing: Inform, Entice, Engage Digital marketing is an umbrella term for using a digital tools to promote and market products, services, organizations and brands. As consumers and businesses become more reliant on digital communications, the power ...

Determining IMC Objectives and Approach

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

What you’ll learn to do: explain factors to consider when selecting marketing communication methods to execute the strategy It’s clear that with the growing proliferation of communication tools and methods,  integrated marketing communications are the way of ...

Direct Marketing

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

Direct Marketing: Going Straight to the Customer Direct marketing activities bypass any intermediaries and communicate directly with the individual consumer. Direct mail is personalized to the individual consumer, based on whatever a company knows about tha...

Personal Selling

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

People Power Personal selling uses in-person interaction to sell products and services. This type of communication is carried out by sales representatives, who are the personal connection between a buyer and a company or a company’s products or services. Sa...

Sales Promotions

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

Sales promotion helps make personal selling and advertising more effective. Sales promotions are marketing events or sales efforts—not including traditional advertising, personal selling, and public relations—that stimulate buying. Sales promotion can be devel...

Public Relations

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

Public Relations: Getting Attention to Polish Your Image Public relations (PR) is the process of maintaining a favorable image and building beneficial relationships between an organization and the public communities, groups, and people it serves. Unlike adv...


Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

Advertising: Pay to Play A 1900 advertisement for Pears soap Advertising is any paid form of communication from an identified sponsor or source that draws attention to ideas, goods, services or the sponsor itself. Most advertising is directed toward ...

Marketing Communication Methods

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

What you’ll learn to do: describe common methods of marketing communication, their advantages and disadvantages A common challenge for people new to marketing is learning about the many marketing communication tools and methods now available and understanding...

Video: Prioritizing Marketing Communications

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

Given all the different marketing communication tools and opportunities out there, it can be hard to prioritize and choose where to focus your attention and marketing efforts. In this TEDx talk, Google’s Nick Scarpino provides a common-sense framework to help ...

Determining IMC Objectives and Approach

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

Laying the Foundation for Effective Marketing Campaigns To use integrated marketing communication (IMC) effectively in marketing campaigns, marketers go through several planning steps to define precisely what they want to accomplish and with whom. Only with t...

Developing a Marketing Campaign and Budget

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

Planning for Action As you can appreciate at this point—especially after learning about all the available IMC methods and tools—IMC is complicated and often elaborate. Even simple marketing plans require multiple steps to execute effectively. For this reaso...