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285 total results found

Methods of Onboarding

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 8 - Onboarding and Orientation

LEARNING OUTCOMES Evaluate various methods of onboarding Onboarding approaches range from formal, structured programs to a hands-off policy, where employees are left to figure out cultural norms, organization dynamics and performance expectat...

Assignment: Effective Onboarding Presentation

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 8 - Onboarding and Orientation

Step 1: To view this assignment, click on Assignment: Effective Onboarding Presentation. Step 2: Follow the instructions in the assignment and submit your completed assignment into the LMS. LICENSES AND ATTRIBUTIONSCC LICENSED CONTENT, ORIGINAL Assignment: ...

Laws and Executive Orders

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 15 - Unionization - Labor Rights

LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe the impact of the Wagner Act on labor and management relations Describe the impact of the Taft-Hartley Act on labor and management relations Identify additional union-related laws & executive orders Presid...

Introduction to Laws and Unions

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 15 - Unionization - Labor Rights

What you’ll learn to do: Describe the laws that impact union and management relations Our laws shape not only business practices and employee rights but union and management relations and related rights and responsibilities. In this section, we will identify ...

Collective Bargaining

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 15 - Unionization - Labor Rights

LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe the collective bargaining process Once a union has been certified, both union representatives and management prepare for contract negotiations. The collective bargaining process is the process by which the parties a...

Organizing a Union

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 15 - Unionization - Labor Rights

LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe the steps in the union organizing process Describe employer rights and restrictions during an organizing campaign Unionization is the process of organizing employees into a labor union that will act as the exclusiv...

Why Unions

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 15 - Unionization - Labor Rights

LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify the reasons workers join unions There has been a labor movement in America since the late colonial period, with the emergence of a free market system and artisan workers—for example, tailors, shoemakers and machin...

Introduction to Workers and Unions

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 15 - Unionization - Labor Rights

What you’ll learn to do: Explain why and how workers join unions notes that “the labor movement in the United States grew out of the need to protect the common interest of workers.”[1] In this section, we’ll discuss the worker interests that union...

Why It Matters: Union–Management Relations

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 15 - Unionization - Labor Rights

Why learn about unions and union–management relations? Figure 1. Senator Robert Wagner We are so accustomed to modern workplace conveniences and rights that it’s difficult to conceive of it being any other way. However, as w...

Discussion: Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 8 - Onboarding and Orientation

Step 1: To view this discussion prompt, click on Discussion: Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees. Step 2: Read the prompt and instructions, then post your response and comments inside of the discussion forum. LICENSES AND ATTRIBUTIONSCC LICENSED C...

Introduction to Training Employees

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 8 - Onboarding and Orientation

What you’ll learn to do: Explain how to design, conduct and evaluate employee training Given the impact current and projected skills gaps are expected to have on business, the ability to develop effective training programs is mission-critical. In this section...

Putting It Together: Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 8 - Onboarding and Orientation

Of course, building talent is not a new idea. As Zig Ziglar famously noted: “You don’t build a business. You build people, and people build the business.” To be clear, people building—including reskilling, upskilling and developing soft skills—will be a shared...

Career Management

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 8 - Onboarding and Orientation

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss various approaches to career management Although business’ support of employee’s career management is a best practice back by performance data, each individual is ultimately responsible for his or her own career mana...

Employee Development

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 8 - Onboarding and Orientation

LEARNING OUTCOMES Differentiate between employee training and employee development Evaluate various employee development methods As described in Foundations of Human Resource Management, “employee training is a learning experience that teach...

Introduction to Developing Employees

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 8 - Onboarding and Orientation

What you’ll learn to do: Explain how to develop employees Employee training and development and career management are all aspects of what will need to be a continuous process of learning. In this section, we’ll differentiate between the terms training and dev...

Evaluating Training Effectiveness

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 8 - Onboarding and Orientation

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss how to evaluate training effectiveness The most common model for analyzing and evaluating the results of education training and development programs is the Kirkpatrick Model, developed by Donald Kirkpatrick in 1995 f...

Employee Training Methods

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 8 - Onboarding and Orientation

LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe employee training methods As is true with almost every other aspect of human resources (indeed, business), employee training methods are on the verge of transformation. However, new methods have not yet been documen...

The ADDIE Model

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 8 - Onboarding and Orientation

LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe the ADDIE Model of instructional design ADDIE is the classic model of instructional design that is used for developing educational and training programs and instructional materials. ADDIE stands for Analysis, Design...

Identifying Training Gaps

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 8 - Onboarding and Orientation

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss how to identify training gaps A training gap exists when there is a variance between desired/required behavior or performance and actual behavior or performance. This gap can occur on an individual, team or organizat...

Janus v. AFSCME

Human Resource Management - The Notebook Week 15 - Unionization - Labor Rights

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the impact of the Supreme Court decision in Janus v. AFSCME On June 27, 2018 the Supreme Court decided the case of Janus v. AFSCME (American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees), ruling that agency f...