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340 total results found

Revising Business Messages

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 2 - Writing in Business

LEARNING OUTCOME Revise a business message for tone, message, and correctness Once you’ve written your message beginning to end, you may be feeling pretty proud of yourself and ready to move on to your next task. Well, not quite. It’s tim...

Introduction to Internal Emails and Memos

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 3 - Written Communication

What you’ll learn to do: Compose emails and memos intended for an audience within the same company or team as the writer Since email and memos are part of the daily workflow, it is important to be aware of professional standards that need to be ...

Multimedia Platforms and Social Media

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 3 - Written Communication

Multimedia Platforms and Social Media LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify professional applications of multimedia platforms Identify professional applications of social media networks Multimedia is any content that uses a combination of differen...

Instant Messaging and Text

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 3 - Written Communication

LEARNING OUTCOMES Compare different methods of instant messaging and text services Short Message Service (SMS), or text messages, have a place in the digital business communication toolbox. One useful feature of an SMS network is the abil...

Email Chains and Listserv

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 3 - Written Communication

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the use of email chains and listservs An early digital method of professional group communication was through group or mass email chains. One advantage of using email is that the sender can easily add as many rec...

Introduction to Other Internal Communications

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 3 - Written Communication

What you’ll learn to do: Identify other common methods of professional communication Where do email chains and LISTSERVs fit in to professional business communication? Can SMS text messages and Instant Messaging be used for professional purposes...


Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 3 - Written Communication

LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify key features of the structure and format of memos Write an internal memo Memorandums, or memos, are quite similar to email messages. Memos, like emails, also contain a “To” and “From,” a meaningful subject line...

Internal Emails

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 3 - Written Communication

LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify common types of internal emails Identify key features of the structure and format of internal emails Write an internal email Common Types of Internal Emails In the past, the standard workhorse for inter and i...

Internal Business Communication

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 3 - Written Communication

LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe the professional standards of intra-office emails You probably learned about table manners, thank-you notes, and other forms of etiquette when you were younger. Many people believe that the way you conduct yours...

Digital versus Traditional Communication

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 3 - Written Communication

LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify benefits of digital communication methods Identify benefits of traditional communication methods Digital Communication Methods The benefits of digital communication for society in general are nicely stated by ...

Introduction to Word Processing Software

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 2 - Writing in Business

What you’ll learn to do: Use common word processing software to write business messages There is a wide variety of word processing software used for business communication. A business document’s layout is usually simple, but do not mistake simple for lacking ...

Modernizing Business Messages

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 3 - Written Communication

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the shift from traditional to modern communication methods The advances in information technology, and especially the widespread use of the Internet, have brought dramatic change to the way business communication...

Introduction to Changing Communication Channels

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 3 - Written Communication

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss the shift from paper to digital communication We will examine both traditional and digital business communication techniques. We will identify the most common form of each and discuss the benef...

Why It Matters: Written Communication

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 3 - Written Communication

Why learn to write effectively? What is the cost of poor communication? It is difficult to know exactly, but estimates suggest the cost could be billions of dollars and worker hours. Poorly-worded or inefficient emails, incessant tex...

Assignment: Writing In Business: Analyzing a Memo

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 2 - Writing in Business

Step 1: To view this assignment, click on Assignment: Writing in Business: Analyzing a Memo. Step 2: Follow the instructions in the assignment and submit your completed assignment into the LMS.   LICENSES AND ATTRIBUTIONS CC LICENSED CONTENT, ORIGINAL ...

Assignment: Writing In Business: Audience and Purpose

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 2 - Writing in Business

Step 1: To view this assignment, click on Assignment: Writing in Business: Audience and Purpose. Step 2: Follow the instructions in the assignment and submit your completed assignment into the LMS.   LICENSES AND ATTRIBUTIONS CC LICENSED CONTENT, O...

Google Docs

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 2 - Writing in Business

LEARNING OUTCOME Use Google Docs to create a visually appealing and accessible document Working in Google Docs is similar to working in Microsoft Word. The only requirement is that you need a Google login to save and share your documents....

Microsoft Word

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 2 - Writing in Business

LEARNING OUTCOMES Use Microsoft Word to create a visually appealing and accessible document This page provides guidance on how to use key features of Microsoft Word to create your business communication. If you can envision the page layou...

Formatting Business Writing

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 2 - Writing in Business

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss common guidelines to create a professionally formatted document In order to properly format a document, we must first understand the primary components of that document. These skills—including spacing, emphasis, ...

Introduction to External Communication

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 3 - Written Communication

Introduction to External Communication What you’ll learn to do: Discuss appropriate ways to communicate to an audience outside of the company What are the various types of emails sent outside of company networks? How should employees respond to...