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2265 total results found

Front Sections of a Report

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 6 - Reports

Front Sections of a Report LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe various sections that may be used in the front of a report In formal reports, you may encounter introductory sections before the actual report itself. These “front sections” are impor...

Audience Expectations

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Audience Expectations LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify various audience needs and expectations that can be addressed by a speech One of the finest, and rarest, gifts a person can give is their attention. When it comes to audience attention, ...

Audience Attention and Rapport

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Audience Attention and Rapport LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe techniques to gain and keep an audience’s attention The key to capturing and maintaining an audience’s attention is, to riff on the TED Talk tagline, having an idea worth sharing ...

Introduction to Audience Engagement

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Introduction to Audience Engagement What you’ll learn to do: Identify the role and importance of your audience In order to achieve the key objective identified by TED Conference curator Chris Anderson—the transfer of an idea—a speaker must effectively engage...

How You Speak

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

How You Speak LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss strategies to effectively use vocal variety to emphasize your message Identify types of language to avoid in your speech Vocal Variety Just as gestures and body language affect how you are percei...

Body Language and Gestures

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Body Language and Gestures LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss strategies to effectively use body language and gestures to emphasize your message One of the essential rules, and success factors, for public speaking is authenticity. This is as tr...

Starting Your Speech

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Starting Your Speech LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss effective ways to begin your speech Your opening comments, like the lead sentences of an article, can make or break a speech. As William Zinsser phrases it in On Writing Well, “The most impo...

Introduction to Delivery Techniques

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Introduction to Delivery Techniques What you’ll learn to do: Describe delivery techniques for use during a public speech As alluded to in the prior section, a live speech is, in effect, a performance. In addition to what you say, audience members will be rea...

Developing an Effective Speech

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Developing an Effective Speech LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify the five steps of developing an effective speech Let’s assume you see the value in developing public speaking as a skill. Where do you start? A good warm-up exercise is to watch a...

Benefits of Public Speaking

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Benefits of Public Speaking LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the importance of public speaking in a business setting What is public speaking but a dressed up—or not, depending on your audience—version of the basic skills we’ve been using since ...

Body Sections of a Report

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 6 - Reports

Body Sections of a Report LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe various sections that may be used in the body of a report The body of a report is what comes to mind when most people think of a report; it’s the primary content. In this page, we will...

What is Public Speaking?

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

What is Public Speaking? LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss key characteristics of public speaking Public speaking is, simply, an oral presentation or speech delivered to a live audience. It is generally a formal or staged event— although impromp...

Introduction to Effective Public Speaking

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Introduction to Effective Public Speaking What you’ll learn to do: Identify key principles of effective public speaking Like speaking itself, public speaking is a learned behavior. Just as no one comes out of the womb speaking eloquently, no one becomes a po...

Why It Matters: Public Speaking

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Why It Matters: Public Speaking Why learn about public speaking in business? One of the essential business and life skills often neglected in our “schooling” broadly is the art of public speaking. It’s an odd omission given that the oral tradition is as old ...

Assignment: Reports

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 6 - Reports

Assignment: Reports Step 1: To view this assignment, click on Assignment: Reports. Step 2: Follow the instructions in the assignment and submit your completed assignment into the LMS. Contribute! Did you have an idea for improving this content? We’d ...

Putting It Together: Reports

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 6 - Reports

Putting It Together: Reports You’ve finally put together your proposal for prepackaged dinner kits. You’re excited that your idea is ready to be reviewed by Mr. Marks, the store owner. You were surprised how long it took to pull this together and keep up on y...

How to Write a Formal Report

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 6 - Reports

How to Write a Formal Report LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss how to write a formal report Writing formal reports, like informal report, and that of any other writing task follows the same three steps. First is the planning. Second is the writi...

Organization of Formal Reports

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 6 - Reports

Organization of Formal Reports LEARNING OUTCOMES Determine how to organize an formal report based on audience analysis Formal reports may be informational or analytical. The logic and general structure is the same as with informal report...

Back Matter

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 6 - Reports

Back Matter LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe various sections that may be used in the back matter of a report It may sound like a catch-all to say that all that is left goes in the back matter (also called appendices). To do so appears to deva...

Audience Participation

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Audience Participation LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss effective ways to use audience participation Discuss appropriate ways to respond to questions without derailing a presentation Audience participation is not only an effective way to reinf...