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289 total results found

Psychological Factors

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 7 - Consumer Behavior

Consumer Decisions and the Workings of the Psyche When we talk about psychological factors that influence consumer decisions, we are referring to the workings of the mind or psyche: motivation, learning and socialization, attitudes and beliefs. Motivation ...

Defining Positioning and Differentiation

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 8 - Positioning

What Makes You Different and Better? Positioning is a strategic process that marketers use to determine the place or “niche” an offering should occupy in a given market, relative to other customer alternatives. When you position a product or service, you answ...


Fundamentals of Marketing Module 8 - Positioning

When It’s Time to Change Direction After they are initially introduced to the market, products, services, and brands are constantly being repositioned as a result of changes in competitive and market situations. Repositioning involves changing the market’s ...


Fundamentals of Marketing Module 8 - Positioning

What you’ll learn to do: explain repositioning and the associated risks and complexities of repositioning a product or service Positioning is a powerful tool, but when you position a product, service, or brand, the world doesn’t stand still. Market conditions...

Developing Positioning Statements

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 8 - Positioning

A Simple Formula A positioning statement is one sentence that succinctly identifies the target market and spells out what you want them to think about your brand. This statement should include 1) the target segment, 2) the brand name, 3) the product/service...

Developing Positioning Statements

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 8 - Positioning

What you’ll learn to do: develop and evaluate positioning statements based on defined criteria After marketers work through the process of homing in on the best positioning strategy, they arrive at the final step: the positioning statement. The positioning st...

Video: Starbucks Delivers Community and Connection

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 8 - Positioning

What business is Starbucks really in? “We wanted to build a third place between home and work,” says Starbucks’ CEO Howard Schultz, as he sits in one of his cafés, “at a time in America when people are hungry for human connection.” Watch the following video ...

The Positioning Process

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 8 - Positioning

Getting to the Right Position Arriving at the best positioning and differentiation strategy involves a process. The goal of the process is to design an identity that both confirms the value of the product, service, or brand in the customer’s mind and explains...

The Positioning Process

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 8 - Positioning

What you’ll learn to do: explain the process of selecting a positioning and differentiation strategy Positioning and differentiation are powerful tools to help you establish the market position you want for your product or service. In this section you’ll lear...

Defining Positioning and Differentiation

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 8 - Positioning

What you’ll learn to do: define product positioning and differentiation, and explain why they are important to marketing a product or service Positioning addresses an important question: What do you want to be known for? Positioning provides the basic founda...

Video: Consumer Attitudes

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 7 - Consumer Behavior

Putting Consumer Attitudes and Beliefs to the Test Just how powerful are consumer attitudes and beliefs? Are they so powerful that they can fool consumers during a taste test? Watch the following video to see the power of consumer attitudes in action as the ...

Why It Matters: Positioning

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 8 - Positioning

Why create a product or service positioning statement that aligns with a value proposition and a target segment? Ever since you were small, you have loved special occasions and gatherings. It started with sprawling extended-family picnics when you were a ch...

Module 7 Discussion: Customer Profile

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 7 - Consumer Behavior

Instructions Write a post for the Discussion on this topic, addressing the questions below. Each part should be 1–2 paragraphs or several bullet points in length. Part 1: Identifying the Customer and Problem Describe a primary decision maker in your target ...

Putting It Together: Consumer Behavior

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 7 - Consumer Behavior

Applying the Concepts: Finn’s Family Buys a Pet Do you remember Finn, the newest little consumer who arrived at the beginning of this module? Let’s suppose that Finn’s parents decide they want him to grow up with an animal friend. This gives us a chance to ap...

The Organizational Buying Process

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 7 - Consumer Behavior

Making B2B Buying Decisions The organizational buying process contains eight stages, which are listed in the figure below. Although these stages parallel those of the consumer buying process, there are important differences that have a direct bearing on the m...

Video: Complexities of a B2B Solution Sale

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 7 - Consumer Behavior

With the rise in mobile communications, Air Canada found itself in a situation where its technology just wasn’t keeping up with what its passengers and employees needed. It initiated a buying process to figure out what new systems and processes it should imple...

Organizational Buyer Behavior

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 7 - Consumer Behavior

Individual consumers are not the only buyers in a market. Companies and other organizations also need goods and services to operate, run their businesses, and produce the offerings they provide to one another and to consumers. These organizations, which includ...

B2B Purchasing Decisions

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 7 - Consumer Behavior

What you’ll learn to do: explain the B2B buying process and factors influencing B2B purchasing decisions Up to this point, our discussion about decision making has focused on individual consumers (B2C). Next we will shift attention to the decision making of b...

Social Factors

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 7 - Consumer Behavior

People Influencing People Social factors represent another important set of influences on consumer behavior. Specifically, these are the effects of people and groups influencing one another through culture and subculture, social class, reference groups, and f...

Implementing Positioning Strategy

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 8 - Positioning

What you’ll learn to do: describe the process of implementing a positioning strategy With your new positioning strategy and a well-formulated positioning statement, you are poised to take action. But . . . how exactly? What comes next is more familiar than ...