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289 total results found

Implementing Positioning Strategy

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 8 - Positioning

Putting Positioning into Practice The positioning strategy, embodied in a strong positioning statement, is a touchstone for marketing and brand-building activities as marketers work to align everything they do in support of this core idea. In simple terms thi...

Brand Positioning and Alignment

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

What you’ll learn to do: explain how marketers use brand positioning to align marketing activities and build successful brands It is clear that brands are valuable assets that benefit organizations and their customers. Building brand loyalty is an important g...

Brand Development Strategies

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

What you’ll learn to do: explain key strategies for developing brands including brand ownership, brand and line extensions, co-branding, and licensing Up to this point, this module has explored the important ingredients of creating brands. But once you’ve com...


Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

Creating the Perfect Package Product packaging is an underappreciated hero in the marketing world. Packaging is supremely functional: it protects the product. It contains the product. It displays the product. It promotes the product. Its design and labeling c...


Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

What you’ll learn to do: discuss the role of packaging in the brand-building process Imagine yourself standing in the aisle of a grocery store, scanning the shelves and trying to decide which product brand to buy. What catches your eye? What makes you pick so...

Name Selection

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

What’s in a (Brand) Name? A brand identifies a company, product, or service as distinct from the competition. The brand is comprised of all the things that create this identity. A brand’s name is an essential part of the package. A brand name ma...

Name Selection

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

What you’ll learn to do: explain the importance of name selection in the success of a brand How important is naming in the success of a brand? Very important. Consider the function of a brand name: It identifies a product, service, or company and differentia...

Video: Red Bull’s Extreme Brand Alignment

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

The energy drink Red Bull has developed a fun, edgy, maverick identity to match the young male adult segment it targets. To stay true to this brand identity, Red Bull’s leadership decided not to go with business as usual and sponsor another sporting event like...

Brand Positioning and Alignment

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

Building Strong Brands: Consistency Matters In order to make an impression in a market, brands need to stand for something. Inconsistent brands and messages fail to make a lasting impression because it is difficult for customers to trust them or register what...

Brand Equity

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

Brand Equity In marketing, brand equity refers to the value of a well-known brand that conjures positive (or negative) mental and emotional associations. What does this actually mean? Let’s do a experiment with brand equity in action. Brand equity is what ex...

Putting It Together: Positioning

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 8 - Positioning

Positioning Your Way Out of Obscurity Let’s get back to the challenge that started this module: how to position and differentiate a company in a crowded field of competitors. You’ll recall that you have a swell job at a newish events management company cal...

Brand Equity

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

What you’ll learn to do: define brand equity and its role in measuring brand strength When most people see the Nike swoosh, what makes them think, “Just Do It!”? When kids see Mickey Mouse ears, what makes them think, “Disneyland”? When fans see the internati...

Types of Brands

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

There Are Many Types of Brands Many kinds of things can become brands. Different types of brands include individual products, product ranges, services, organizations, individual persons, groups, events, geographic places, private label brands, media, and e-br...

Video: REI Builds Brand by Closing on Black Friday

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

Organizations build their brands through all the ways they communicate and interact with consumers. Sometimes a company takes specific actions to demonstrate what a brand stands for, attract attention, and hopefully deepen customer loyalty because of what thei...

Elements of Brand

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

What Is a Brand? As we start our exploration of brand and its role in marketing, take a few minutes to watch the following video about Coca-Cola, which is perhaps one of the most iconic brands of all time. As you watch this video, look for the all the differe...

Elements of Brand

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

What you’ll learn to do: describe the elements of brand and how brands add value to an organization’s products and services If you walk through a parking lot at school, work, or the local mall, chances are good that you could identify all the car brands just ...

Learning Hacks: How Should I Study Across Topics?

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

THE HACK Frequently switch up what you study rather than focusing on the same topic The Story Many students group their studying by topic within a course. This means that they will study Chapter 2 material first before they move on to study Chapter 3 mate...

Why It Matters: Branding

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

Why analyze elements of a brand and explain how the brand-building process contributes to the success of products or services? Pop Quiz! Instructions: Grab a piece of paper and jot down answers to the following questions: What is your favorite brand of ...

Module 8 Discussion: Positioning and Differentiation

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 8 - Positioning

Instructions Write a post for the Discussion on this topic, addressing the questions below. Unless otherwise specified, each part should be 1–2 paragraphs or several bullet points in length. Part 1: Competitive Advantages List the competitive advantages of ...

Brand Development Strategies

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 9 - Branding

Managing Brands As Strategic Assets As organizations establish and build strong brands, they can pursue a number of strategies to continue developing them and extending their value to stakeholders (customers, retailers, supply chain and distribution partners,...