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Mohit - Video 1 - Hello Mohit, can you please introduce yourself. 

Jaime - Video 2 - Hello Jaime, can you please introduce yourself.

Jaime- Video 3 -

Structure and Formats of a case

When tackling a case, how do you look at the different details of a case? Structure and formats.  

During a case competition, you're probably going to need to read over the case a couple of times to really understand all the important details. To fully comprehend all the crucial details during a case competition, you'll probably need to read the case several times.

A case typically consists of two components: the content and the exhibits. Therefore, the content is the case's main body and will give you information about the case's main facts, including the identity of your client and the problems they are having. The exhibits are the appendices at the conclusion of the case that give you additional details about your client and their industry. The people who will be directly impacted by your recommendation, so it's important to understand what their needs and concerns are and how your recommendation will satisfy them, are your client, to who exactly you're delivering this presentation and the various stakeholders involved in the case. Identifying the case's primary problem, as well as any possible secondary problems that may result from or exacerbate it, is crucial that you correctly identify the problems with this because these specifics will determine the rest of the presentation's content. Then you want to understand the available resources as well as the constraints of your client then you want to comprehend the resources that are available as well as the limitations of your client. this will  help you determine whether or not your  recommendation is actually feasible and  cases will often provide an analysis of  the client's firm and Industry which can  also help guide your recommendation  some cases may even provide you with a  set of alternative courses of action to  build your recommendation upon  and so once you understand all these  different details you're set to form a  sound recommendation based on the  available information  

Mohit - Video 4 -

Different Sections of a Case

What are the different sections in working through a case? Why this format? (analysis, decision criteria, recommendations, implementation, financial, risk and mitigations) 

Mohit - Video 5 -

The Analysis Part

Details of the format - Can you please explain the Analysis part? 

Mohit - Video 6 - The Decision Criteria - Details of the format - Can you please explain the Decision Criteria part? 

Jaime -Video 7 - The Recommendation - Details of the format - Can you please explain the Recommendation part? 

Jaime -Video 8 -   Details of the format - Can you please explain the Financials part? 

Jaime - Retook Video 9 - Details of the format - Can you guide us through your process of doing research? 

Mohit - Video 10 - Crafting Impactful & Memorable Presentations - Can you explain in summary how to create impactful presentations?  

Mohit - Video 11 - Can you show us how you build a presentation via master slides? 

Jaime -Video 12 - Can you explain why is it important to understand the rubrics? 

Mohit - Video 13 - What does it mean to keep a positive mindset?

Jaime -Video 14 - How can teachers use case comps in the classrooms ? What is effective feedback? 

Mohit - Video 15 - What is Psychological safety? And why is it important?

Jaime - Retook - Video 16 - How do you describe the adrenaline rush of doing case comps? 

Mohit - Video 17 - Can you elaborate on Team diversity and styles? 

Jaime -Video 18 - Why is it important to mentor others? 

Mohit - Video 19 - Can you give encouragement to students who are currently participating and watching your series? 

Jaime - Video 20 - Can you both please introduce what will be covered in our Case Competition Series - Accelerating Innovation through case competitions 

Rapid questions - 

What has been your most memorable experience during a case competition? 

What has been your most heartbreaking experience?

What motivates you to do case competitions? 

How do you deal with stress before presenting? 

The Numbers comfortable 

Questions and Answer period