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Industries that apply Omnichannel Tactics

Industries Applying Omnichannel Tactics

Omnichannel approaches have become popular across industries as consumers become more empowered, however, they are particularly prominent in these verticals: 

    • RetailRetail in particular has faced drastic changes in today's omnichannel environment. With the ability to buy in-store or online and the emergence of social media and review sites, retail marketers need to centralize how consumers are interacting with their brand across a multitude of channels to ensure a positive outcome.
    • Healthcare: Healthcare customers generally interact with many touchpoints across various providers, from hospitals, to primary care, to pharmaceuticals. By analyzing data around the customer journey and engagements, healthcare providers can better cater to individuals, providing them with data that matters most to them, while mitigating potential health risks.
    • Automotive: Since cars are a long term investment, keeping top of mind and driving customer loyalty are big priorities for car dealerships and manufacturers. Today’s advertisements may not yield the desired effects immediately, but if they engage current customers and interest prospects, they will impact sales down the line.  However, the buying journey, even in automotive has changed with 80 percent of shoppers researching cars online first. Additionally, it is estimated that 4.5 million cars could be sold online only in 2020. Having an encompassing advertising strategy that engages with buyers across all touchpoints has become more vital than ever.
    • Financial Services: The banking and financial services industry is shifting from a product-obsessed mindset to a more customer-centric view. As they do so, organizations must consider how they can deliver personalized experiences that can gain insight into which of the various services and products would be the best fit for each user based on their personal preferences, wants, and needs.

As omnichannel becomes more popular, several trends have emerged that can help make these efforts more effective to improve consumer satisfaction and maximize marketing ROI. These include:

    • Integration of In-Store and Online - Many consumers are shopping online, only to pick up their purchases in-store. This could be to avoid searching for items in-store or to avoid delivery fees. Today’s shoppers are expecting the ease of their online experience to be integrated with the in-store experience. Almost 70 percent of US shoppers expect a notification that their order is ready within 2 hours of ordering it online. When Destination XL realized this trend, they combined customer location data with inventory to help customers find what they were looking for online to pick it up in-store. Additionally, stores like Kohl’s have created parking spots designed for shoppers who are picking up orders they made online.
    • Focus on the Brand, Not the Channel - As the Forrester Report: “Retailers are Starting to Reap the Rewards of Omnichannel Commerce” notes, “Customers believe they are engaging with one unified brand or organization, regardless of the various touchpoints that they use. This means retailers must ensure the continuity of information and resources across digital and store touchpoints — or risk losing customers to competitors that do.” Brands need to provide a consistent identity across channels with messages that resonate with the customer, regardless of platform.
    • More Devices for One Purchase - Customers are frequently beginning their journey on one device and making a purchase on another. However, many retailers are struggling to address this element of the customer journey, as it can be difficult to account for all cross-device interactions. Failing to account for this shift in trends could drastically impact your bottom line and media spend optimization efforts.
    • Multiple Channels Mean Better Customers - When tracked correctly, customers who visit your site across multiple devices tend to be better customers and spend an average of three to four times more than customers who only interact with a single channel.

Key Takeaways

An omnichannel marketing strategy allows teams to meet their consumers where they are, with the right message at the right time. Through omnichannel marketing, organizations can deliver a unified customer experience that acknowledges the previous touchpoints along the customer journey. This not only fosters brand awareness in the mind of the consumer, but also leads to improved engagement, increased ROI and sales, and enhanced customer retention and loyalty.

Today, organizations can more easily enable an omnichannel experience for consumers through the help of advanced marketing performance measurement platforms that can offer reliable, person-level insights to identify the optimal media mix, targeting, and more. By analyzing the customer journey at every step, organizations can make more informed decisions about how to optimize campaigns and reduce wasted ad spend.