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Entrepreneurship -activities

Welcome to the Entrepreneurship Course 

Week 2 - Entrepreneurship Mindset 

Research an industry of interest 

Create the cover page, and cover letter (about yourself) for the Business Plan Project 

Zero Dollar Challenge - Think of 10 ideas and bring them down to 3 that do not require capital. Present it to the class. 

Week 3 - The Entrepreneurial Process 

Timmon's Model 

1934: Joseph Schumpeter - Innovators who change the status quo (creative destruction) to set up new products and new services and an entrepreneur is willing and able to convert a new idea or invention into a successful innovation.
Entrepreneur: someone who perceives an opportunity and builds an organization to pursue that opportunity.

Dream Big and keep pushing your vision 

Based on Timmon's Model - apply each of the concepts of 
- The Opportunity
- Resources 
- Team 
You have the task of 
  1. Approaching 3 stores and describe why they are interesting and caught your attention. What opportunity are they fulfilling? Look for the entrepreneurs in the store and see what interesting stories they have to tell. 
  2. Speak with 3 people on the streets, what are their thoughts about Entrepreneurship? What are some good products or services that people could need? 
  3. Discover 3 marketing channels that grab your attention. What kind of technology? How are these channels successful? 
  4. Go online and research 3 companies of your choice. What is the composition of their team? Do they have any expertise? How are they financing the business? 
Please write this up in a report format with the title page, and team members' names. 
Week 4 - 

5 stages of product development 

Each team will present their results in a 5 minutes presentation. Tell us something new and interesting! 

Discover Industry Reporting - What does the market look like? What is the market structure? What is the market size?

By the end of today, finalize your business ideas and begin creating an MVP ready for the market. 

Week 5 - MVP and Marketing Channels 

Deliverable: Draft the Marketing Plan and Product/Service Design for your BPP. 

Lean Canvas - complete it as much as possible.

Week 6 - Work session 

Based on your MVP and Marketing Channels. Begin gathering a following for your business. 

Deliverable - Gather survey information and showcase your products. What is the feedback that you are receiving? Report. 

Week 7 midterm exam

In class midterm exam 

Week 8 Operations Plan 

Define the operations plan - how would you operationally grow? 

Management factors and stages - chtper 8 
Week 9 lets talk finances. How is your business doing? What are your projections? How do you value your business? Financial projections and reporting due. 

Week 10 Growth of your business, now, how can you grow the business? Fuse businesses together, colllaborations. Learning the dynamics of collaboration. 

Week 11 Growth phase , report your growth stages. 

Week 12 final presentations of your business adventure. Lessons learnt.