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LIA Project Details ENTP

Preliminary draft of the final project, can be subject to changes as the project progresses.

Tips for success
  • Get organized early within the first 2 weeks of this course
  • Jot down all important dates on your agenda 
  • Bring a laptop or notepad for class and take active notes to help your project
  • Create a communication channel with your potential team members

Introduction to your LIA ENTP Project  

There are 3 presentations for your LIA Entrepreneurship Final Project. 

The objective is to provide you with feedback as you forward from one step to another.

The purpose of this Business Plan is to track down the progress and activities held while running an actual business through out the semester. You will find the sections to the Business Plan to include.



You can build this project in teams of 4-6 provided you fully contribute to the project. Any members who do not contribute sufficiently will be asked to do the paper on their own at any point in the course.

Respecting the submission timeline, there are no exceptions made for late submissions. The submission will result in a grade of 0.


Your Entrepreneurship Business Plan Report must follow the design directives in choosing 1 primary color, a secondary color. The format should be consistent and attractive for both the report and the presentation deck. 

Each of these 3 presentations requires your presence, and proper attire as a real presentation for your business.

Presentation Format

  • All LIA Submissions are due 1 day prior to the presentation day (indicated in the course outline details) at 5:00pm EST. Late submissions will not be accepted.
  • All teams must be present for the entirety of all presentations (including 2 day periods).
  • All teams and individuals must be presenting in business professional attire.
  • Presentation time varies from LIA 1, 2 to Final
  • During the presentation, each individual will be providing peer feedback to each team.
  • Individuals will be assigned tasks such as time keeper, judge with the responsibility to ask questions and moderate discussions

Report Format

All LIA reports must be submitted at the same time as the presentation, 1 day prior to the presentation day at 5:00pm EST. Late submissions will not be accepted.

All reports must align in the same theme as the presentation

LIA Part 1

LIA Part 1 includes building a preliminary skeleton of your business idea, building synergy within your selected team and a thorough reflection in the role of an entrepreneur such as the journey, the challenges and the ethics and social impacts.

Each team will receive thorough support by the teacher during class time and needed assistance outside of class time. Each team will receive thorough feedback after their submission to which they should review, question and improve for the next part.

Quote: Keep it simple, and focus on your team chemistry more than anything. At one point, you will struggle and lose breath, that’s when your team will lift you up and keep going. 

Deliverables for LIA Part 1 includes:

  1. The template business plan with selected company design
  2. Completion of
    1. Title Page
    2. Table of Contents
    3. Executive Summary (Updated at the time of presentation)
    4. Team Overview & Roles
    5. Company Overview & Mission
    6. Preliminary Market and Industry Analysis
    7. Preliminary Marketing Plan
    8. Preliminary Operations Plan
  3. The business plan report must be submitted prior to the presentation
  4. The presentation is a slide deck with similar sections. Each company will present for a maximum of 5 minutes, followed by 3 minutes Q&A by the audience & judges

*There is no fixed format for your submissions, although it is suggested to keep consistency in choosing 1 primary color, 2 secondary colors and a consistent logo printable in black and white as well as color.

LIA Part 1 - 15% of the overall grade

This submission is considered a proposal to your final submission. This means you can always change the topic , team and details. It is meant to brainstorm your idea and see whether it is suitable for your overall project. The teacher reserves the ability to moderate team synergies and ensure that work progress is equal and comfortable between each team member. Individuals are encouraged to bring ideas and challenges forward on in a confidential basis to the teacher.

Rubric for LIA Part 1

Presentation skills (weighted 30%)

The team presented cohesive, attractive ideas to the audience. The team communicated in a clear manner, esthetically pleasing and concise.

Analytical skills (weighted 70%)

The team analyzed their situation/idea thoroughly with proper references. They provided an accurate image of the current market and the need for this specific product/service. They are realistic about their commitment and implementation plan moving forward for the rest of the semester.

LIA Part 2

LIA Part 2 including reinforcing your idea and making it into reality. This is where you will be building your actual product for the market, accounting for your budget, and designing your marketing and sales strategies. Great leadership within the team lifts the companies to thrive for the rest of the semester. It’s time to get your hands dirty, swallow the fear and truly work as a team to face a real market.

Quote: The best teams didn’t have the best, fanciest ideas, they were just extremely consistent in every step of the way.

Deliverables for LIA Final Submission includes:

  1. Continue business plan and consolidate all parts
  2. Completion of all parts
  3. The business plan report must be submitted prior to the presentation which includes all parts (it may be longer in sections than the presentation itself)
  4. The presentation is a slide deck with similar sections. Each company will present for a maximum of 5 minutes, followed by 3 minutes Q&A by the audience & judges

Deliverables for LIA Part 2 includes:

  1. Continue business plan
  2. Completion of all previous part in addition to
    1. Make any changes needed from the feedback provided and progression
    2. Refine Market and Industry Analysis
    3. Refine Marketing Plan
    4. Refine Operations Plan
    5. 1 page - note down all changes that occurred from LIA 1 to LIA 2. What changed and pivoted?
    6. Preliminary Financial Plan, Budgeting & Forecasting
    7. Preliminary Sales Report - Note down current weeks
    8. Begin thinking how companies are valued on the market when setting up for investment
  3. The business plan report must be submitted prior to the presentation which includes all parts (it may be longer in sections than the presentation itself)
  4. The presentation is a slide deck with similar sections. Each company will present for a maximum of 5 minutes, followed by 3 minutes Q&A by the audience & judges

Deliverables for LIA Part 1 includes:

  1. The template business plan with selected company design
  2. Completion of
    1. Title Page
    2. Table of Contents
    3. Executive Summary (Updated at the time of presentation)
    4. Team Overview & Roles
    5. Company Overview & Mission
    6. Preliminary Market and Industry Analysis
    7. Preliminary Marketing Plan
    8. Preliminary Operations Plan
  3. The business plan report must be submitted prior to the presentation
  4. The presentation is a slide deck with similar sections. Each company will present for a maximum of 5 minutes, followed by 3 minutes Q&A by the audience & judges

*There is no fixed format for your submissions, although it is suggested to keep consistency in choosing 1 primary color, 2 secondary colors and a consistent logo printable in black and white as well as color.

Presentation Format

  • All LIA Submissions are due 1 day prior to the presentation day (indicated in the course outline details) at 5:00pm EST. Late submissions will not be accepted.
  • All teams must be present for the entirety of all presentations (including 2 day periods).
  • All teams and individuals must be presenting in business professional attire.
  • Presentation time varies from LIA 1, 2 to Final
  • During the presentation, each individual will be providing peer feedback to each team.
  • Individuals will be assigned tasks such as time keeper, judge with the responsibility to ask questions and moderate discussions

Report Format

All LIA reports must be submitted at the same time as the presentation, 1 day prior to the presentation day at 5:00pm EST. Late submissions will not be accepted.

All reports must align in the same theme as the presentation


LIA Part 12 - 15%25% of the overall grade

This submission is considered a proposalhalf toway yourLIA finalbusiness submission.plan This means you can always change the topic , teamreport and details.presentation. Your teams should be stabilized and progressing. It is meant to brainstormstrengthen your ideafinancial strategy and seemarketing whetherstrategy. itBy isthis suitablesubmission, foryou should have your overallprototype project.and a proper core to the business plan.

The teacher reserves the ability to moderate team synergies and ensure that work progress is equal and comfortable between each team member. Individuals are encouraged to bring ideas and challenges forward on in a confidential basis to the teacher.

Rubric for LIA Part 1 2

Presentation skills (weighted 30%40%)

The team presented cohesive, attractive ideas to the audience. The team communicated in a clear manner, esthetically pleasing and concise.

AnalyticalImplementation skills (weighted 70%60%)

The team analyzedshowcased progress in their situation/ideabusiness thoroughlyendeavor withwhile propermaintaining references.good Theymomentum providedand anstructure accurateof imageyour business at hand. The team showcased effective effort in each of the currentdeliverable marketpieces.



LIA forFinal thisPart


LIA product/service.Final TheyPart areis realisticyour aboutfinal their commitment and implementation plan moving forward for the restshowcase of the entire business progress through out the semester. It should include all sections of the business plan with the role of presenting in front of a board of investors. This part pushes your business forward in your sales strategy as well as the thought process of growth and investment.  

Quote: This is the last straw, teams who persisted through out the semester will show up the strongest. 

TheDeliverables Entrepreneurshipfor LIA isFinal madeSubmission of 3 parts.includes:

  1. Build theContinue business model plan withand consolidate all parts
  2. Completion of theall appropriate sectionsparts
  3. BuildThe yourbusiness designplan templatereport withmust colorsbe andsubmitted codesprior to the presentation which includes all parts (it may be longer in sections than the presentation itself)
  4. The presentation is a slide deck with similar sections. Each company will present for a maximum of 5 minutes, followed by 3 minutes Q&A by the audience & judges

LIA Final Part - 30% of the overall grade

This is the final submission which should include all sections. Teams will have received feedback in LIA 1 and LIA 2. These feedback points must be addressed in the final part. 

Rubric for LIA Final Part

Presentation skills (weighted 40%)

The team presented cohesive, attractive ideas to the audience. The team communicated in a clear manner, esthetically pleasing and concise.

Implementation skills (weighted 60%)

The team showcased progress in their business endeavor while maintaining good momentum and structure of your business at hand. The team showcased effective effort in each of the deliverable pieces.

Building the Business Plan

Sections within the Business Plan

  1. Title Page
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Executive Summary
  4. Team Overview & Roles
  5. Company Overview + Mission
  6. Market & Industry Overview (Including Competition)
  7. Marketing Strategy & Target Market
    1. Description of the product/service
    2. The Pricing Strategy
  8. Operations Plan
  9. Financial Plan, Budgeting & Forecasting
  10. Sales Reporting
  11. Company Valuation & Investment
  12. Growth Strategy
  13. Challenges & Pivots throughout the semester
  14. Include quote from your journals and highlights in video and photo form
  15. Conclusion