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  • How do my students submit their solution?

Students will see the instructions on their dashboard on how to submit their solutions. It looks like this. 

  • How to view students submissions ?

Click on the solution icon and you will see your students solutions. 

If you wish to download their documents, click on the download all icon. 

  • How to begin the feedback process? 

Once the challenge has ended, or you have set the evaluation date to start, you can follow these options: 

If you are using Peer to Peer - students will see the challenge evaluation pop up on their dashboard. You can also submit an evaluation. Click on go to evaluation. 

If you are not using Peer to Peer - you can click on go to evaluation and provide feedback and grades. 

  • How to aggregate feedback?

Once there is at least 1 evaluation per solution, you can begin the aggregation process by ticking the aggregate box. 

Go to evaluation

Click on the aggregate evaluation button

Edit aggregations. 

  • How to announce the results? 

Once you have reviewed the feedback 

Close the evaluation time 

Go to evaluation and send for approval. 

Go to the solution icon, review that the ranks are correct and you can publish the results. 

What do students see? 

How do students view their feedback? 

Students can go to their profile name (left top corner of their dashboard), find the challenge, click on the key and view results.