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  • La Charte des droits et libertés de la personne:

    • Article 10: This article guarantees the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Marc’s experience of being belittled and humiliated by Bertrand touches on issues of respect and dignity in the workplace.

  • La Loi sur les normes du travail (LNT):

    • Article 49: This article concerns the right to a fair and respectful work environment. It implies that employees should not be subjected to humiliation or degrading treatment.
    • Article 81.18: This article requires employers to take steps to prevent and address psychological harassment. Bertrand’s behavior toward Marc could be considered a form of psychological harassment, which the employer has a duty to address.
    • Article 81.19: This article mandates that employers have policies in place to address harassment and that employees are informed of these policies.

  • La Loi sur la santé et la sécurité du travail (LSST):

    • Article 51: This law covers the protection of employees’ psychological health. Persistent negative treatment from a supervisor that impacts an employee’s mental well-being could be related to this article.

  • Le Code civil du Québec (CCQ):

    • Article 2098: This article deals with the obligations of both employers and employees, including maintaining a respectful working environment and ensuring adequate support and training for employees.,s'oblige%20%C3%A0%20lui%20payer.

  • La Loi sur l’équité salariale:

    • Although not directly mentioned, this law is relevant if there were issues related to fairness in job responsibilities or treatment compared to other employees.