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Interview Series with Jean-François Parent , Director of Information

Ramsay: Hello and welcome to your course on the Innovatank platform! My name is Charles-Albert Ramsay, I am an economist, and author of content on Innovatank.

We are talking today with Mr. Jean-François Parent, director of information, at Droit-Inc. It is a media specializing in legal and economic information. Thank you for being here Jean-François!

Today we would like to talk about economic structures. How can the legal regime influence the economy… Let’s start with the rule of law, is it really that important?

And contracts… Could we have a market economy without contracts, without property rights?

Today we would like to talk about the famous monopolies. Does Canada really live from competitive markets? Are there less competitive sectors?

With the price of gasoline, one wonders if the gasoline industry is not acting like a cartel?

Today we would like to talk about the job market. Is unemployment over in Quebec in the future? What can we expect for the next 30 years?

Today we would like to talk about inflation. Prices have inflated enormously in 2021 and 2022, what is the overall economic impact of prices on households? On business? And interest rates, if we raise them, will that reduce prices?