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The Case of Gas

Markets - Monopoly


Who sets the price of gas? Over the last few years, car drivers have seen gas prices drop to 80 cents per litre during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic - remember that? - to more than 2 dollars. It's an important part of everyday life because everything we do is dependent on transportation, whether its taking the bus to work, or driving to see family, or getting goods delivered to our cities.

Globe and Mail - World Gas Prices vs Canada

Investopedia - World Oil Prices

Evaluation Criteria 

Your solution will be graded using the following expectations.

  • The answers are explained concisely
  • The answers cover the issues of f dsafsda
  • The answers cover the issues of  fdsaf dsa
  • The answers cover the issues of fds af dsa


Your solution should be written up as a 500 word text, using at least three paragraphs to cover the three sets of issues.

The text should be focussed on qf dsafdsa


Submit a 500 word solution on the Innovatank Case Platform.