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Classic Essay Style

Why Should I Care?

If the style is not specified, you can fall back on this style which uses classical rules of essay presentation.

The Basics

You want a clean, crisp presentation, with simple enough language that almost anyone can understand.

The style includes a cover page, citations are presented with full names and with some description of the source. References are included along the way as footnotes.

The Cover Page Format

  • Title
    • Centered
    • Caps on each Title word
    • 1/3 down from top
  • Student Name
    • College
    • 1/2 down from top
  • Date
    • Bottom of page, centered
    • Modern format with comma



An Epic Novel


John Smith

Dawson College

March 26, 2014

The Text Format

  • Text is 2.0 spaced, first line indented, and aligned “justified”.
  • In MS Word, Under References, Insert Footnote



            Prose is a style of writing that allows the writer to use several techniques. One such technique is repetition. A wonderful example of this is found in C.A. Ramsay’s novel November Rain. Published in 2010, Ramsay’s novel is known for a fabulous repetitive passage: “I tried to find shelter. But there was none. The rain was pouring down on my head and giving me a splitting headache. I tried to find shelter. But there was none. There was none.”1

1- C. A. Ramsay. November Rain. Providential Allegories Printing Co. 2010.

When you cite the source, at first occurrence, you mention the full name of the author and full title of the work.

The complete citation can be included in a footnote.

At second and other occurrences, you may cite using only the last name of the author.

The complete citation can be included in a footnote. This way you don't need a bibliography.