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Revision Checklist

Here is a check list of things to revise before submitting an assignment.

Step 1: Go over the whole paper checking for the first element

Step 2: Repeat for the next element.

Revision Checklist

  • Formats: Garamond, 12 pt., Double-spaced, Margins Justified. Paragraphs indented.

  • Spacing: Make sure you did not use the space bar for tabs or “center” format.

  • Numbers: Ten or less: in word. 1,000 or more, with the comma. Period for decimals.

  • Quotes: Make sure each quote has the proper quotation marks at the beginning and the end.

  • Citations: Every idea is referenced. Every citation is APA style. Every quote has a page number.

  • References: Every citation is associated to a reference (bibliography).

  • Spelling: Each Name is Perfectly Spelled. Characters Use Full Names. Authors Last Name Only.

  • Grammar: Common mistakes: Affect vs. Effect. Then vs. Than. Weather vs. Whether. Till vs Until.

  • Run-on sentences: Did you use semi-colons? Can you shorten sentences, or split them in two?

  • Length: Count the words. Can you rewrite passages to shorten sentences without losing content?

  • Structure: Each paragraph presents only one argument. Each sentence exposes only one idea.

  • Layout: The first paragraph introduces the topic broadly and ends on a breakdown of the chapter.
    Development paragraphs are supported by at least one citation.
    The final paragraph summarizes the chapter and transitions to the next section.

  • Thesis: Did you stay on topic throughout?
    Did you argue the thesis throughout?
    Would you rather change the thesis considering the evolution of your research and your thought process?

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