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A Paper Template

This template will not make for an interesting read, but all the nuts and bolts are there. APA style.

Title Includes Topic, Method, Question, Sample

Subtitle Identifies the Assignment (if multiple parts)

Author Name


Course Title and Code

Prof. Initials LastName




This paper confirms/infirms (MAIN HYPOTHESIS AND RESULT). Using a ___________ method, and _____________ instrument, observations were collected upon a sample of n= X, representing the population of _SUBGROUP______ people (N= Z,ZZZ). The paper is thus using a _____________ (power) approach, which is relevant to the field of (SOCIAL SCIENCE DISCIPLINE). The results are not/important given they confirm/contradict previous literature, such as (MAIN LITERATURE). Our conclusions have policy implications such as ________________.


This paper is about ______. It is relevant to learn more on the topic because _________. We know already that ______________, but questions still exist, such as ________, and ___________. To answer these questions, we will use the XYZ method, and XYZ instrument. This will allow us to collect data in the form of (NOTES, MEASUREMENTS, VIDEO, RESPONSES) from a sample of n= X, representing the population of _SUBGROUP______ people (N= Z,ZZZ). The paper is thus using a _____________ (power) approach, which is relevant to the field of (SOCIAL SCIENCE DISCIPLINE).

The paper is divided in four parts: the literature review, the methodology, the findings, and the conclusion. (give detail about the approach in each part, if necessary).

Literature Review

Our topic _____________ has been the subject of research in the past. Our paper attempts to answer a few particular questions, such as ____________________. But before we get into this, we need a better understanding of the state of the literature on the topic. According to past research we know that ____________. This literature review is organized in three parts. We will first present a detailed chronology of the history of the ___TOPIC___. Second, we will list and contextualize the scientific literature by categorizing the studies into periods, and schools of thought. Third, we will identify gaps in the literature and questions that remain to be answered.

(List findings from past literature using APA or MLA style)  (…)

Now that we have a strong understanding of past research, we must bring our attention to the data collection methodology used in this project.


Our topic ________________ involves particular variables that need to be measured in order to answer our research questions / hypothesis. To do so, we have designed an original research project which collects data using the XYZ method. This section of the paper explains the methodological choices made by the research team. We will discuss the variables and their operationalization, the sampling technique, the data collection process, and the caveats of this design.

The variables under study are : (LIST AND/OR TABLE). They will be defined THIS WAY in order for them to be measured. The variables are presented in a flow chart or model, HERE, where the relationships between the dependent, independent, intervening, control, and catalyst variables are identified.

The population studied is _______________ people (N= Z,ZZZ). We use a non/random sampling technique (explain) which narrows our sample down (n= X). (add detail if necessary such as sampling, and margin of error: this technique gives us (OR NOT) a +- 3 percent margin of error (95% of the time)).

Within the scope of ABC method, we are using the XYZ instrument(s) to operationalize the measurement of …. variables. The instrument has these characteristics (…) The data was collected (DATE) by (WHO).

Caveats include (list all problems that reduce the scientific power and validity of YOUR research).

A thorough understanding of the methodology allows us to now present and interpret our data.


This paper is about ______. Our observations allow us to answer our questions, such as ____________________. The results of this project CONFIRM or INFIRM our hypothesis / research question. The findings section will first present the data in a general form (using tables, graphs, and text) focussingfocusing on the most important issues. Secondly, the section will present other results which help us understand the issue in more detail. Finally, a discussion of the results will help contextualize their value within the field of ______________, and prior literature.

The relationship between Variable A and Dependent Variable CONFIRMS or INFIRMS our hypothesis. The percentage (…).

(Write a paragraph for each table, or result. Then present the table in the document. Number each table. Title includes variables.)

(If the data is qualitative, write the interview answers, or observation notes, into a paragraph form. Include a verbatim or other media as an annex, after the references).


These results are an important contribution to (FIELD OF STUDY). They allow us better understand (RESEARCH QUESTION).


The results presented in this paper CONFIRM or INFIRM our hypothesis or research question. (The findings have established ABC relationships between variables under study, in this sample, of this population)

It is relevant to learn more on the topic because _________. Our results therefore help us find solutions to real problems (OR NOT), such as …… (Discuss applications of the findings to real problems). Policy should be modified (OR NOT) to improve XYZ outcomes.

Further research MAY BE or IS needed before engaging in actions XYZ. Unanswered questions to the matter are _____________, ______________, and ____________. These should be the focus of our next project, or that of colleagues.


Author Last Name, F. (YYYY). Title of article. Journal Title. V(N)

Author Last Name, F., Second Author, I., & Third Author, I. (YYYY). Title of book. CITY: Publishing Company. 

Organisation Name. (YYYY). Title of document. Editor: Last Name, F. CITY: Organisation Legal Name. Retrieved from on DD Month YYYY.


IF NECESSARY. Any supporting documents which need to be included (produced during data collection especially such as survey questionnaire, response verbatim, or photography).