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12 – Interview

Write a loose set of questions for an interview you will conduct with someone who knows this topic relatively well.

Time: 20 min.

Mandatory variables                                                      

Landmark relevance      Historical Revisionism
Cultural AppropriationLanguage Politics
Personality of the NameLack of Importance of the Person
History IS/ IS Not So ImportantLevel of Knowledge about Toponym/History


  1. How old are you?
  2. What is your Mother Tongue?
  3. Can you identify the picture of XYZ?
  4. Would you believe that XYZ did such and such?
  5. What can you tell me about the person, the period and politics of Montreal in 18??
  6. Is this landmark name relevant to Modern-Day Montreal?
  7. Is the landmark in the right neighborhood?
  8. Which side of the language divide do you identify to?
  9. Would you say that this Toponymy is cultural appropriation?
  10. How important is it that THIS person be remembered, and not others?