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IAGA Global Case Study Competition Sep 10th - Sep 30th, 2024

Hello Everyone, 

Please find the information to the IAGA Competition here:

Video Channel of the Judges

If you want to register directly:

Guidelines to your submission:
(Please note that this repository will continue to update)

Submit 1 presentation slide deck (powerpoint format) and 1 written report.


  • Write a brief overview on the aviation climate impact in comparison to other sectors, include sources and statistics.
  • Use this link to access a provided survey to interview professionals.
  • Analyze the data obtained and propose a definition for " Green Aviation". Provide the top 5-10 issues (pain points) faced in making the aviation industry green.
  • Based on your analysis, identify the top priorities and propose an Artificial Intelligence related solution.
  • Follow the format of Description, Design, Feasibility Analysis , Cost Analysis and Impact in your proposal to the judges.

Timeline & Format

  • You will submit your proposal (1 slide deck and 1 report draft)
  • You will be invited to present in front of a panel of judges between Sep 28 - Sep 30, 2024.
  • The presentations will be online where you have 15 minutes to present followed by 10 minutes of Questions and Answers by the experts.
  • At the end of all presentations, the top 3 teams' representatives will be announced and will be invited to come to the ICGA 2024 Conference in ChengDu, China.
  • The winning teams will also be awarded internship opportunities (online) with IAGA
  • All submissions will be reviewed, selected submissions will be peer-reviewed and published in proceedings of IAGA Research and the World Experience and Innovation Impact Journal 2024.

Access to the Questionnaire

Tag: Questionnaire

Please find the information to access the questionnaire. 

Together, we will ask professionals to answer this questionnaire, use the below credentials to get the data.

The credentials to the survey is 
Go to :


Password: Innovatank123!