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The Research Problem

Mark Prentice Notebook - Chapter 2 - Page 20 to 134 

What is Qualitative Methods vs. Quantitative Methods? p. 11

What are various techniques of data collection methods?

What is exploratory research?

Content Analysis 

There are two types of content analysis: conceptual analysis and relationship analysis.


Activity: Read through Trump vs. Kamal Harris - It is no longer text research, but also video and image research. 

Relate to the 3 dimensions of power 

What are the 4 interpretation strategies? p.38

What makes a good textual analysis ? p 39


Texts to analyze:


How to get ready for your project:

  • Preparing, labelling and organizing data early will help you keep the project organized
  • Develop themes and codes early on and continue to develop them as you engage in the
    coding process
  • There are many types of coding, from manual coding to using computer-assisted software
  • Data analysis is an ongoing process