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Table of Contents

 Table of Contents

Part 1 – General Information

Why the Apparatus?


Who is Charles-Albert Ramsay?

How to write an email to your instructor

Part 2 – The Research Methods

1 – Survey

2 – Survey Questionnaire

3 – Survey Interview

4 – Experiment

5 – Field Work

6 – Unobtrusive Measurement

7 – Content Analysis

8 – Available Data

9 – Case Study

Part 3 – Your Science Report

1 – The Proposal

2 – The Literature Review

3 – Organizing the Citations

4 – Academic Voice

5 – Classic Essay Style

6 – MLA Style

7 – APA Style

8 – Quick and Dirty Style Guide

9 – Writing English in Quebec

10 – A Paper Template

11 – Revision Checklist

12 – Interview

13 – Questionnaire

14 – Defining Variables and Operationalization

15 – Frequency Tables

Part 4 – Principles of Scientific Research

1 – What is Social Science?

2 – How to Build Knowledge Scientifically?

3 – Citing Sources

4 – Grey, News, Opiniated and  User-Generated Media

5 – Reviewing the Literature

6 – Due Diligence – Business Research

7 – Measuring Variables

8 – Building a Hypothesis

9 – Types of Logic

10 – Operationalization

11 – Models and Simulations

12 – Sampling

13 – Research Power

14 – Establishing Cause

15 – The Ethics of Social Research

16 – Communicating Results

17 – Averages

18 – RM Synthesis Table

19 – Latin Terms Used in Law, the Humanities, and the Social Sciences

20 – Greek Terms Used in Law, the Humanities, and the Social Sciences

21 – RM Glossary