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Social Science Paper Template

Introduction to Social Science Research Section 4 - Quick Reference

This template will not make for an interesting read, but all the nuts and bolts are there. APA ...

Updated 1 year ago by Charles-Albert Ramsay

The Basics of Markets and Transactions

Introduction to Economics Markets

Why Should I Care? Many economists believe the “free market” knows best. This opinion has great ...

Updated 1 year ago by Charles-Albert Ramsay

Word Processors

Introduction to Social Science Research Section 1 - Skills

Why Should I Care? No one uses typing machines, and very few people write papers by hand. Using ...

Updated 1 year ago by Charles-Albert Ramsay

Interview Series with Jean-François Parent , Director of Information

Introduction to Economics Interviews

Ramsay: Hello and welcome to your course on the Innovatank platform! My name is Charles-Albert Ra...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Academic Sources

Introduction to Social Science Research Section 2 - Sources

Why Should I Care? Academics insist on a neutral tone in academic papers and monographs. They us...

Updated 1 year ago by Charles-Albert Ramsay

Group Work

Introduction to Social Science Research Section 1 - Skills

Why Should I Care? Some students love working in groups, and others hate it. Some professors lov...

Updated 1 year ago by Charles-Albert Ramsay

Note Taking for a Research Project and Organizing Information

Introduction to Social Science Research Section 1 - Skills

Why Should I Care? Scribbling notes like a madman? Losing your mind with an endless document of ...

Updated 1 year ago by Charles-Albert Ramsay

Manmade - Case Brief is an innovative men's lifestyle brand that offers high-quality products and adv...

Updated 1 year ago by Admin

Student Life Management

Introduction to Social Science Research Section 1 - Skills

Why Should I Care? College students have a lot to think about and a lot to do. Organizing and ma...

Updated 1 year ago by Marie-Pierre Gosselin

Methods for Collecting Data

Introduction to Social Science Research Section 3 - Science

Why Should I Care? The scientific method depends on the quality of data that is collected. How s...

Updated 1 year ago by Charles-Albert Ramsay

The Literature Review

Introduction to Social Science Research Section 2 - Sources

Why Should I Care? A very common assignment in colleges and universities is to ask students to w...

Updated 1 year ago by Charles-Albert Ramsay

Revision Checklist

Introduction to Social Science Research Section 4 - Quick Reference

Here is a check list of things to revise before submitting an assignment. Step 1: Go over the wh...

Updated 1 year ago by Charles-Albert Ramsay

2 – How to Build Knowledge Scientifically?

Research Methods Principles of Scientific Research

Why Should I Care? How research is conducted can affect the results of a scientific project. It ...

Updated 1 year ago by Charles-Albert Ramsay

Popular Sources

Introduction to Social Science Research Section 2 - Sources

Why Should I Care? Popular sources can be very helpful in your research process, and maybe even ...

Updated 1 year ago by Charles-Albert Ramsay


Introduction to Social Science Research Section 1 - Skills

Why Should I Care? Being able to make a table, or a graph, is really useful. You can use this sk...

Updated 1 year ago by Charles-Albert Ramsay

1.1 Overview of Microsoft Excel

Basic Excel Module 1 – Fundamental Skills

Learning Objectives Examine the value of using Excel to make decisions. Learn how to ...

Updated 1 year ago by Hua


Basic Excel Module 5 – Tables

1.What is a table in Excel?  a. A database management system b. A tool for sorting and filterin...

Updated 1 year ago by Hua


Basic Excel Module 6 – Multiple Sheet Files

1.What is a multiple sheet file in Excel? a. A file with multiple worksheets b. A file with mul...

Updated 1 year ago by Hua

6.6 Scored Assessment

Basic Excel Module 6 – Multiple Sheet Files

A Multiple Sheet Workbook For National Parks Data Data file: none You are working at th...

Updated 1 year ago by Hua

6.5 Chapter Practice

Basic Excel Module 6 – Multiple Sheet Files

Creating A Multiple Sheet Workbook For A Sports Team Data file: PR6 Data You have just been...

Updated 1 year ago by Hua