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285 total results found

11 – Models and Simulations

MTI Principles of Scientific Research

Why Should I Care? Sometimes, you cannot operationalize. It would be too risky, not feasible, or unethical. This is when you build a model and run simulations. Definitions Model: an artificial – often simple version – environment designed to run simulations...

A closer look at Costco's Membership Data

Big Data Case Collection (Corporate) Story # 1 - Costco - Micro

Let me introduce myself, my name is Samie. Right now, you do not know much about me, but let me share with you my Costco receipts so that you can investigate my life and learn a little bit about me.  You will find in the attachment section my last 4 Costco re...

What is Strategy?

Big Data Case Collection (Corporate) Story # 1 - Costco - Macro - Strategic ...

Strategy has been around for over thousands of years and finds its origin in the military and the need for people to defeat their enemies. Hence the book that is considered to be the first to have ever covered strategy in narrative form is Sun Tzu’s famous Art...

Learning From Experiences

Big Data Case Collection (Corporate) Story # 1 - Costco - Micro

Jakes Karls teaches you how to do Storytelling  Philippe Habra speaks about his job as a Data Scientist at Ubisoft  You can watch our videos on the Innovatank Youtube channel :

Time to Explore

Big Data Case Collection (Corporate) Story # 1 - Costco - Micro

Introduction  Now that you have been shown how data is being collected, it is your turn to get your hands-on experience and explore data.  As a deliverable, you will create a data report at the end of this session.  You can find an attached Data Report Temp...

Preparing for Pitch Day

Big Data Case Collection (Corporate) Story # 1 - Costco - Micro

Throughout the semester, you will be building your knowledge for Pitch Day.  Lesson 4, 6 and 8 will be sessions where you will be presenting for your pitch.  How can you prepare?  On the next Pitch Day 1 you will team up with your classmates and build a bus...

Basic Regression Models

Big Data Case Collection (Corporate) Story # 1 - Costco - Micro

This example teaches you how to run a linear regression analysis in Excel and how to interpret the Summary Output. Below you can find our data. The big question is: is there a relation between Quantity Sold (Output) and Price and Advertising (Input). In oth...

Basic Descriptive Statistics

Big Data Case Collection (Corporate) Story # 1 - Costco - Micro

Descriptive Statistics Descriptive statistics is the term given to the analysis of data that helps describe, show or summarize data in a meaningful way such that, for example, patterns might emerge from the data. Descriptive statistics do not, however, allow ...

Data Collection Resources

Big Data Case Collection (Corporate) Story # 1 - Costco - Micro

Before we define collection, it’s essential to ask the question, “What is data?” The abridged answer is, data is various kinds of information formatted in a particular way. Therefore, data collection is the process of gathering, measuring, and analyzing accura...

Story # 1 - The Costco Case

Big Data Case Collection (Corporate) Story # 1 - Costco - Micro

Introduction  Don't be overwhelmed when we use words such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science. These are modernized words that were derived from basic concepts of statistics accompanied by the power of computers allowing us to navigate through ...

12 – Sampling

MTI Principles of Scientific Research

Why Should I Care? A bad sample will kill your scientific power. That’s all there is to it. Definitions Population: A set of observable objects, which could be individuals, groups, documents, organizations, etc. that you are interested in studying. Sample:...

Course Overview

Big Data Case Collection (Corporate) Story # 1 - Costco - Micro

Course Outline  You can find a copy of the course outline attached in this section.  Rules in the classroom  Please arrive on time for class as we have a lot of fun activities planned for each session  Be sure to have your video on for our discussion per...

Table of Content

Big Data Case Collection (Corporate) About this book

Mid Day Squares

MDS x Innovatank Case Mid-Day Squares - Moving forward to become a 100 Million Dollar Company. Recently named Forbes 30 under 30 and reaching their 1 Million Dollars per month of sales milestone, Jake, Lez and Nick surpassed their expectations. It fires them...

17 – Averages

MTI Principles of Scientific Research

Why Should I Care? You can make numbers tell the story you wish to tell. This is unethical and evil. So knowing how others are – or not – using basic tricks of statistics will help you read through the lies. Definitions Central tendency   Frequency   M...

16 – Communicating Results

MTI Principles of Scientific Research

Why Should I Care? The type of data, and your disciplinary focus, will determine the medium you will use to report the data. Tables & Graphs (p. 254) Used for (examples) Frequency Table   Opinion polls Cross-Tabulation Table Sociology data, subgroups ...

15 – The Ethics of Social Research

MTI Principles of Scientific Research

Why Should I Care? Research projects may incur harm. This issue has to be dealt with by universities to reduce the harm, and make sure that research is designed as ethically as possible. Definitions Morals: What is right and wrong, as defined by social norm...

14 – Establishing Cause

MTI Principles of Scientific Research

Why Should I Care? Something is a problem. We can reduce the negative impacts, but that is called a “band-aid” solution. It does not fix the root of the problem. If only we could find the root cause of the problem, then the solution would actually fix the pro...

13 – Research Power

MTI Principles of Scientific Research

Why Should I Care? The scientific strength, or power, of your research depends on several key traits of your methodology. The stronger the method: the more credible your results and conclusions.  3 Levels of Power Exploratory: The objective of exploratory ...

3 Levels of Strategy

Big Data Case Collection (Corporate) Story # 1 - Costco - Macro - Strategic ...

3 Levels of Strategy: Corporate, Business and Functional  Strategy is at the foundation of every decision that has to be made within an organization. If the strategy is poorly chosen and formulated by top management, it has a major impact on the effectiveness...