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289 total results found

Putting It Together: Promotion: Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

The readings in this module pulled apart the different pieces of integrated marketing communication to help you understand the role each one plays in creating and executing an effective marketing campaign.  From small-scale and simple promotional programs to m...

Demographic Factors Shaping the Global Marketing Environment

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 14 - Marketing Globally

Using Demographics to Guide Global Marketing Strategy Whether marketing to domestic or international markets, demographic information can provide important insights about a target market and how to address consumer needs. As discussed during this our discussi...

Learning Hacks: Don’t Bother Highlighting

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 15 - Marketing Plan

THE HACK Highlighting or underlining potentially important parts of a text is not a very effective study technique. You would be better off spending your time on a more effective study technique, like taking practice tests. The Story You’ve probably boug...

Why It Matters: Marketing Plan

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 15 - Marketing Plan

Why develop a marketing plan? In a very real way, the marketing plan is the culmination of everything you have been learning in this course. Marketing plans are designed to capture the most essential information, analysis, and insights that lead to the develo...

New PageModule 14 Assignment: Marketing Plan Peer Review

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 14 - Marketing Globally

For this assignment, students use the same rubric as the instructor (see instructions below) and grade their peers’ work. The peer review grade counts for 25% of a student’s total grade for the Marketing Plan. Each student also receives points for completing t...

Module 14 Discussion: Global Marketing

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 14 - Marketing Globally

Instructions Write a post for the Discussion on this topic, 1–2 paragraphs in length. Part 1: Current Status What are the global implications for the product or service you are marketing? What are the global implications of your marketing strategy and recom...

Putting It Together: Marketing Globally

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 14 - Marketing Globally

Global marketing is a demanding field because of the many different factors involved in the success or failure of a business venture in foreign markets. It can be fascinating because of the windows it opens into different peoples, cultures, and places around t...

Institutional Factors Shaping the Global Marketing Environment

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 14 - Marketing Globally

The Influence of Government and Regulations on Global Marketing Political Stability The Haitian National Palace (Presidential Palace) in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, heavily damaged after the earthquake of January 12, 2010. Besides struggling to rebu...

Cultural Factors Shaping the Global Marketing Environment

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 14 - Marketing Globally

The Immense Impact of Culture in Global Marketing Culture refers to the influence of religious, family, educational, and social systems on people, how they live their lives, and the choices they make. Marketing always exists in an environment shaped by cultur...

Factors Shaping the Global Marketing Environment

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 14 - Marketing Globally

What you’ll learn to do: explain the importance of understanding how demographic, cultural, and institutional factors shape the global marketing environment While the same basic domestic marketing principles apply to global marketing, there are additional lay...

Module 13 Discussion: Marketing Campaign Concept

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marke...

Instructions Write a post for the Discussion on this topic, addressing the questions below. You may use either written paragraph or bullet point format. Part 1 should be 2–3 paragraphs in length or an equivalent amount of content in bullet point form. Respons...

Applying Marketing Principles in the Global Environment

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 14 - Marketing Globally

The Marketing Mix in Global Marketing The same marketing principles that lead to marketing success in domestic marketing can also apply to global marketing. With the rapidly growing force of globalization, the distinction between marketing within an organ...

Video: McDonald’s “Glocalization”

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 14 - Marketing Globally

Few would disagree that fast-food chain McDonald’s is a master of global marketing. As you watch this video, look for ways that McDonald’s has blended elements of global standardization strategy with localization strategy to penetrate global markets and offer ...

Approaches to Global Competition

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 14 - Marketing Globally

International Coca-Cola: Like many product companies, Coke has used a mix of standardization and localized marketing. For instance, the classic red and white colors remain the same globally while the flavor profile is adjusted slightly based on region ...

Entry Strategies in Global Markets

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 14 - Marketing Globally

Choosing a Global Entry Strategy Firms typically approach international marketing cautiously. They must analyze the market opportunity as well as their internal capabilities to determine which approach will be the best fit. Often businesses start with a lower...

Approaches to Global Competition

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 14 - Marketing Globally

What you’ll learn to do: describe common approaches used by organizations to compete successfully on a global scale Most of the basic principles for effective marketing apply equally well to domestic and global marketing activity. However, globalization intro...

Globalization Benefits and Challenges

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 14 - Marketing Globally

Defining Globalization Globalization is a term used to describe how countries, people and businesses around the world are becoming more interconnected, as forces like technology, transportation, media, and global finance make it easier for goods, services, id...

Globalization Benefits and Challenges

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 14 - Marketing Globally

What you’ll learn to do: describe globalization and the major benefits and challenges it poses for multinational organizations penetrating global markets We live in an increasingly globalized, interconnected world. There is a strong likelihood that clothes yo...

Why It Matters: Marketing Globally

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 14 - Marketing Globally

Why identify issues that organizations face and approaches they use when marketing to different countries and cultures? Suppose you’re in the marketing department for a highly successful snack food company in the U.S. You’re in a brainstorming meeting about e...

Elements of the Marketing Plan

Fundamentals of Marketing Module 15 - Marketing Plan

What you’ll learn to do: identify the key elements of the marketing plan A lot of work goes into developing a marketing plan. But once it’s completed, it provides a detailed roadmap of not only where you’re heading, but also why and how to get there. By putti...