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340 total results found

Assignment: Collaboration in and Across Teams

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 12 - Collaboration In And Across...

Step 1: To view this assignment, click on Assignment: Collaboration in and Across Teams. Step 2: Follow the instructions in the assignment and submit your completed assignment into the LMS.   LICENSES AND ATTRIBUTIONS CC LICENSED CONTENT, ORIGINAL ...

Introduction to Working across Genders

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss the how gender impacts communication in the workplace What’s in a chromosome (or two)? The difference in the pair of sex chromosomes that determine whether a child is assigned female (XX) or male (XY) at birth ha...

Introduction to Combating Bias

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss strategies for creating a functional workplace by combating biases Our perceptions and the resulting judgments we make are prone to error. The terms we use to define our perceptions are often used without a clear...

Working across Generations

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the language differences found across different generations Discuss strategies for bridging intergenerational communication gaps Each generation is a subculture with a sense of reality based on formative world a...

Introduction to Working across Generations

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss different strategies for talking to individuals from a different generation We are shaped not only by our DNA but by our times. Imagine how different your priorities and values might be if your formative experience included th...


Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss how various physical and mental disabilities might affect communication Impossible is an opinion—not a fact. —Paul Hockey General perception and understanding of those who are different is not...

Introduction to Working across Abilities

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss the impact of disabilities in the workplace So far in this module we have discussed cultural forms of diversity, yet in a work setting we are also exposed to individuals with varied skills, talents, and abilities. Another comp...

Attitudes and Gender Communication

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Compare and contrast how gender might impact communications styles Starting in childhood, girls and boys are generally socialized to belong to distinct cultures based on their gender and thus speak in ways particular t...

Using Gender Neutral Language

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss different strategies to use gender neutral language in business communication The use of gender-neutral language is now considered standard practice, incorporated in the APA (American Psychological Association)...

Culture and Communication

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe strategies to adapt communication for an intercultural audience Culture and communication are inextricably linked, and messages can be misconstrued without an awareness of a particular cultural or subcultural ...

Why It Matters: Social Diversity in the Workplace

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

Why learn about social diversity? America is a nation of immigrants; its first inhabitants are believed to have traveled across the Bering Straits, a land bridge connecting Asia and North America, over 15,000 years before the New World was “discovered” by Chr...


Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss how cultural differences among individuals from different religions may influence communication Religion is an area steeped in tradition and conventions, and is, therefore, fraught with potential for error for th...


Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss how cultural differences among individuals from different countries may influence communication With the possible exception of math, there is no universal system of communication. Each country—and, in some case...

Race and Ethnicity

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Compare and contrast race and ethnicity Discuss how cultural differences among races may influence communication The concept of race has changed across cultures and eras ranging from being based on ancestral and famil...

Introduction to Intercultural Communication

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss how different cultures impact the workplace One of the most fundamental ways that members of a particular culture bond and indeed perpetuate their culture and traditions is through a shared language—not only the ...

Challenges of Employee Diversity

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Explain the challenges of employee diversity within organizations Figure 1. The Walls that Separate Us. The time, place, and way we grow up shape how we view people. It’s common to develop biases and avoid people who...

Advantages of Employee Diversity

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Explain the advantages of employee diversity within organizations While social justice, legal compliance, or maintaining industry standard employee environment protocols is typically the initial impetus behind [inclusi...

Factors of Diversity

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify factors that define a diverse group of employees What do we mean by diversity? Despite the fact that it’s in the top one percent of words searched on Merriam-Webster, the concept isn’t as well understood as you ...

Introduction to Diversity in the Workplace

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

What you’ll learn to do: Define diversity and discuss its influence on the workplace Living in a technically-curated, self-reinforcing echo chamber of media and social media, it’s all too easy to assume that our world view and perception of real...

Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe the differences between stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination Social perception is relative, reflecting both positive and negative impressions of people based on a range of factors. Our perceptions of peo...