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340 total results found

Bias in the Workplace

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the impact bias might have on communication in the workplace When thinking about diversity in the workplace, chances are, most individuals tend to see themselves as good-intentioned, egalitarian, and fair-minde...

Introduction to Résumés and Cover Letters

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

What you’ll learn to do: Produce a résumé and a cover letter A résumé and a cover letter are two essential documents for a job hunt. While neither one will necessarily get you the job you want on its own, you may not even make it to the interview phase withou...

Interview Types and Techniques

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

LEARNING OUTCOME Differentiate between types of interview situations and identify appropriate interview techniques for each Every interview you participate in will be unique. The people you meet with, the interview setting, and the questi...

Preparing For a Job Interview

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

LEARNING OUTCOME Describe effective strategies to prepare for an interview If your résumé and cover letter have served their purposes well, you will be invited to participate in an interview with the company or organization you’re interes...

Writing Effective Cover Letters

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

LEARNING OUTCOME Identify characteristics of an effective cover letter What Is a Cover Letter? A cover letter is a letter of introduction, usually three to four paragraphs in length, that you attach to your résumé. It’s a way of introduc...

Creating a Customized Résumé

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

LEARNING OUTCOME Create a résumé customized for a specific job opening On the prior pages, we learned the purpose and sections for résumés: simply to help you get to the interview. To get there, your résumé must quickly demonstrate how yo...

Introduction to Interviewing

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss effective interview strategies and prepare for common interview questions Landing a job isn’t as easy as applying for one, plain and simple. In the end, you’ve only got one shot with a prospective employer before they move on ...

The Purpose of Résumés

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

LEARNING OUTCOME Discuss the purpose and contents of a résumé A résumé is your first introduction to a potential employer. It is a written picture of who you are—it’s a marketing tool, a selling tool, and a promotion of you as an ideal ca...

Writing Effective Résumés

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

LEARNING OUTCOME Identify characteristics of an effective résumé For many people, the process of writing a résumé is daunting. After all, you are taking a lot of information and condensing it into a very concise form that needs to be both...

Strategies for Networking

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

LEARNING OUTCOME Identify strategies for networking In the context of career development, networking is the process by which people build relationships with one another for the purpose of helping each other achieve professional goals. Wh...

Putting It Together: Social Diversity in the Workplace

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

Communication is invention: through our language, our imagery, our operating policies and practices, we construct reality. As is true of every other period of history, the standards of society and our nation are changing. The key question is what we want those...

Introduction to Networking

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss the importance of networking, and identify strategies to increase your professional network Have you ever heard someone say, “He just got hired because his sister knows the manager”? That probably was not the only reason, but ...

Stages of Career Development

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

LEARNING OUTCOME Describe the stages of career development Career experts say that people will change careers (not to mention jobs) five to seven times in a lifetime, so your career will likely not be a straight and narrow path. Be sure t...

Acquiring Necessary Skills

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

LEARNING OUTCOME Explain how to acquire necessary skills, both in and out of class, for your career goals “Lifelong learning” is useful phrase to know in the twenty-first century because we are awash in new technologies that enable to gro...

Transferable Skills

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

LEARNING OUTCOME List transferable skills that will be valuable for any career path Transferable (soft) skills may be used in multiple professions. In looking at this page for transferable skills, which are largely soft skills, start to t...

Skills for a Career

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

LEARNING OUTCOME List specific skills that will be necessary for your career path If you lived and worked in colonial times in the United States, what skills would you need to be gainfully employed? What kind of person would your employer...

Introduction to Professional Skill Building

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss how to gain skills necessary for professional life There is no doubt that a huge percent of life is spent at work. If you were to work forty hours a week and live to seventy years old, thirty-five percent of total waking hours...

Why It Matters: Finding a Job

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

Why learn to network and apply for jobs? Nadine had worked as a manager at the local grocery store while attending college, working towards graduating from university with a BA in business. She appreciated the store’s support during her years of employment as...

Assignment: Social Diversity in the Workplace

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Wor...

Step 1: To view this assignment, click on Assignment: Social Diversity in the Workplace. Step 2: Follow the instructions in the assignment and submit your completed assignment into the LMS.   LICENSES AND ATTRIBUTIONS CC LICENSED CONTENT, ORIGINAL ...

Interview Questions

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 14 - Finding a Job

LEARNING OUTCOME Discuss various question types common in interviews For most job candidates, the burning question is “What will I be asked?” There’s no way to anticipate every single question that may arise during an interview. It’s poss...