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2229 total results found

9.2 The Influence of Advertising

Business Ethics Module 9 - Professions under the Micros...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Discuss how social media has altered the advertising landscape Explain the influence of advertising on consumers Analyze the potential for subliminal advertising The advertis...

10.2 Workplace Campuses

Business Ethics Module 10 - Changing Work Environments ...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Compare the workplaces of yesterday, today, and the future Describe the benefits and potential drawbacks of workplace campuses Identify ethical challenges in the development of ...


Business Ethics Module 11 - Epilogue: Why Ethics Still ...

Figure 11.1 Business ethics starts right where you are and leads you down the road of life with a set of standards and rules to follow. (credit: modification of “We're on the Road to Nowhere” by Marc Dalmulder/Flickr, CC BY 2.0) Chapter Outline 11.1 Busi...


Business Ethics

A access economy 10.3 Alternatives to Traditional Patterns of Work acculturation 5.1 The Relationship between Business Ethics and Culture advertising 9.2 The Influence of Advertising Affordable Care Act (ACA) 9.4 Ethical Issues in the Provision of Health C...

Assessment Questions

Business Ethics Module 10 - Changing Work Environments ...

1. Which of the following is not a prospective benefit to the firm of implementing a telecommuting program? A. higher productivity of telecommuting workers B. greater connectivity and collaboration among employees C. lower operating costs D...


Business Ethics Module 10 - Changing Work Environments ...

10.1 More Telecommuting or Less? Remote workers save themselves the time and cost of a commute and are better able to balance work and home life. Companies often benefit from the higher productivity and lower turnover of telecommuting employees, and they ca...

Key Terms

Business Ethics Module 10 - Changing Work Environments ...

access economy a nontraditional business model in which consumers participate on both sides of a transaction, sometimes facilitated by a third party artificial intelligence (AI) the branch of science that uses computer algorithms to replicate human in...

10.4 Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and the Workplace of the Future

Business Ethics Module 10 - Changing Work Environments ...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Discuss the application of robotics and the workplace changes it will bring Identify artificial intelligence applications in the workplace Explain the ethical challenges present...

10.3 Alternatives to Traditional Patterns of Work

Business Ethics Module 10 - Changing Work Environments ...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Explain the benefits, drawbacks, and ethical issues of job sharing and flextime Describe the business models that have emerged in the new millennium Discuss the ethical challeng...

10.1 More Telecommuting or Less?

Business Ethics Module 10 - Changing Work Environments ...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Identify the benefits of permitting employees to work from home Explain the drawbacks of telecommuting for the business and for employees Discuss the ethical dilemmas related to...

9.3 The Insurance Industry

Business Ethics Module 9 - Professions under the Micros...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Discuss whether the underlying business model of the insurance industry is an ethical one Identify the reasons why the government offers certain kinds of insurance Discuss the e...


Business Ethics Module 10 - Changing Work Environments ...

Figure 10.1 Ethical managers will understand new business models and the new economies being driven by technological advances and the rise of robotics and artificial intelligence in the workplace. (credit: modification of “hand robot human divine spark” by “...


Business Ethics Module 9 - Professions under the Micros...

1. Patrick Henry, “Why Some Startups Succeed (and Why Most Fail),” Entrepreneur, February 18, 2017. 2. Mike Isaac, “Inside Uber’s Aggressive, Unrestrained Workpla...

Assessment Questions

Business Ethics Module 9 - Professions under the Micros...

1. What characteristic is common to most entrepreneurs? A. an advanced degree B. deep management experience C. a driven, highly competitive nature D. a large network of business contacts correct answer C 2. True or fa...


Business Ethics Module 9 - Professions under the Micros...

9.1 Entrepreneurship and Start-Up Culture The atmosphere surrounding entrepreneurs and their start-ups can provide a dizzying rush. The opportunities to create a company, be your own boss, make a dramatic impact on business, establish an entrepreneurial cul...

Key Terms

Business Ethics Module 9 - Professions under the Micros...

advertising commercial messages urging the purchase of new or improved products or services that reach us in every medium: print, online, digital, television, radio, and outdoor Affordable Care Act (ACA) the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ...

Becoming a Better Employee

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 1 - Communicating in Business

Becoming a Better Employee LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss how effective communication improves you as an employee Communication is something we often take for granted but not often something we think to improve. And yet, being a good communicator can open doors ...

Introduction to Effective Communication in Business

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 1 - Communicating in Business

Introduction to Effective Communication in Business What you’ll learn to do: Discuss the importance of effective communication in business Communication happens when all parties are engaged in uncovering and understanding meaning. When business professionals...

9.4 Ethical Issues in the Provision of Health Care

Business Ethics Module 9 - Professions under the Micros...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Identify ethical problems related to the availability and cost of health care in the United States and elsewhere Discuss recent developments in insuring or otherwise providing fo...

11.1 Business Ethics in an Evolving Environment

Business Ethics Module 11 - Epilogue: Why Ethics Still ...

Not only does the world seem to have shrunk, but the twenty-first century pace of change seems to have sped up time itself. As the world becomes smaller and faster and companies adapt their practices to fit new conditions, the core of business ethics that guid...