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340 total results found

Tables, Charts, and Infographics

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Tables, Charts, and Infographics LEARNING OUTCOME Discuss the appropriate use of common tables, charts, and infographics In this age of information, there are huge amounts of data to process and an equally impressive number of graphs and...

Visuals in a Report

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Visuals in a Report LEARNING OUTCOME Identify appropriate and professional visual representations of information for a business report Reports don’t end in high school, unfortunately. In fact, businesses that are publicly traded usually ...

Why It Matters: Reports

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 6 - Reports

Why It Matters: Reports Why learn to write business reports? You’ve just come home from your day at work as a produce manager at a local grocery store. As you sort through your mail (bills to pay, items to read later, and junk to recycle now), you come acros...

Assignment: Visual Media

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Assignment: Visual Media Step 1: To view this assignment, click on Assignment: Visual Media. Step 2: Follow the instructions in the assignment and submit your completed assignment into the LMS. LICENSES AND ATTRIBUTIONS CC LICENSED CONTENT, ORIGINAL ...

Discussion: Visual Media

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Discussion: Visual Media Step 1: To view this discussion prompt, click on Discussion: Visual Media. Step 2: Read the prompt and instructions, then post your response and comments inside of the discussion forum.   LICENSES AND ATTRIBUTIONS CC LICENSED CO...

Putting It Together: Visual Media

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Putting It Together: Visual Media Statistics from different professional fields tell us that visuals support and can even improve communication—that’s a compelling reason to use visual media in all your communication. Visual media makes your message more acce...

Evaluating the Effectiveness of your Message

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Evaluating the Effectiveness of your Message LEARNING OUTCOME Evaluate the effectiveness of a message If only this were easy! A communicator can produce messages all day long, but they are not effective unless the audience receives them,...

Revising and Enhancing Visual Media for Impact

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Revising and Enhancing Visual Media for Impact LEARNING OUTCOME Describe the process of revising and enhancing visual media to create impact Figure 1. Simple and clear visuals can help you communicate complex ideas Dur...

Increasing Impact with Media

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Increasing Impact with Media LEARNING OUTCOME Identify effective use of visual media in presentations, documents, spreadsheets, and messages Speakers don’t need visual media to make a point. Just watch any stand-up comedian, and you’ll s...

Introduction to Using Visuals

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Introduction to Using Visuals What you’ll learn to do: Incorporate meaningful visual media in business messages We’ve already learned what a great visual looks like: it’s clear, clean and simple, uniform, persuasive and on brand. We know we have graphs, char...

Matching Graphics and Objectives

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Matching Graphics and Objectives LEARNING OUTCOME Describe factors in deciding which type of visual aid and graphic will best report your data It can be difficult to determine what graph or chart to use when. Some are for numbers, some a...

Accessibility Matters

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Accessibility Matters LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the importance of making your media accessible to the widest audience possible Identify techniques and tools to make visual media more accessible to your audience When giving a presentatio...

Introduction to Accessible Visual Aids

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Introduction to Accessible Visual Aids What you’ll learn to do: Identify ways to make information more accessible to your audience A good communicator will consider their audience when preparing a written communication and when choosing the visual media that...

Products and Resources for Creating Videos

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Products and Resources for Creating Videos LEARNING OUTCOME Describe the process of planning, designing, and producing a video as a visual aid As we mentioned a couple of times earlier in this module, it’s not legal to snag things off th...

Designing a Video for Your Needs

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Designing a Video for Your Needs LEARNING OUTCOME Describe the process of planning, designing, and producing a video as a visual aid If circumstances present themselves, you may want to consider creating your own video as a visual aid. T...

Video as a Visual Aid

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Video as a Visual Aid LEARNING OUTCOME Discuss the pros and cons of using videos as a visual aid Video helps you tell a story in the most visually engaging way possible, giving every employee in the company a face-to-face opportunity wit...

Introduction to Contemporary Visual Aids

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Introduction to Contemporary Visual Aids What you’ll learn to do: Discuss the use of video in business messages Every day, hundreds of hours of video are uploaded to YouTube, and a millions of hours of video are watched. Impressive, to be sure, and while it ...

Captions and Titles

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Captions and Titles LEARNING OUTCOME Describe the impact of descriptive captions and titles when incorporating graphics into a message Most of the time, putting the data into graph form isn’t quite enough. In fact, it’s just the start. Y...

Placement, Style, and Coloring

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 5 - Visual Media

Placement, Style, and Coloring LEARNING OUTCOME Describe the impact of placement, style, and coloring when incorporating graphics into a message Once you’ve decided what graph or chart to use, we need to make sure it fits with our visual...

Introduction to Business Reports

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 6 - Reports

Introduction to Business Reports What you’ll learn to do: Discuss the different types of reports and their purposes Employees in most organizations create and use reports; however, it’s important to remember that the business report is a markedly different d...