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340 total results found

Audience Expectations

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Audience Expectations LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify various audience needs and expectations that can be addressed by a speech One of the finest, and rarest, gifts a person can give is their attention. When it comes to audience attention, ...

Pro Tips

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Pro Tips LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss public speaking strategies of effective public speakers In this section, we’ll focus in on a few key tips and resources drawn from bestselling author and communication coach Carmine Gallo’s Talk Like TE...

New Presentations

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

New Presentations LEARNING OUTCOMES Create and save a new presentation At the Microsoft Office 365 home page, you will see a selection of apps as well as any recently-viewed documents. To open PowerPoint, click on the PowerPoint icon. Th...

Introduction to Using Microsoft PowerPoint

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Introduction to Using Microsoft PowerPoint What you’ll learn to do: Create a presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint PowerPoint is one of several applications in Microsoft’s Office product line, including enterprise staples Outlook (email and calendar), Exce...

Presentation Tools and Visual Aids

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Presentation Tools and Visual Aids LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss key concepts to keep in mind as you create business presentations Discuss available presentation tools to help engage your audience Key Considerations Figure ...

Introduction to Visual Aids

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Introduction to Visual Aids What you’ll learn to do: Discuss the usefulness of visual aids and identify common presentation tools How does one prepare for the proverbial call or career moment? In this module, we’ll focus specifically on busines...

Why It Matters: Developing and Delivering Business Presentations

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Why It Matters: Developing and Delivering Business Presentations It’s mid-May; a major retail management conference is less than one month away. Your manager has been recruited as a speaker in the Redesigning Retail track at the annual Sustainable Brands conf...

Discussion: Public Speaking

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Discussion: Public Speaking Step 1: To view this discussion prompt, click on Discussion: Public Speaking. Step 2: Read the prompt and instructions, then post your response and comments inside of the discussion forum. LICENSES AND ATTRIBUTIONS CC LI...

Putting It Together: Public Speaking

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Putting It Together: Public Speaking Becoming a public speaker is a rite of passage, an event that marks one’s emergence as a business or civic leader. Unlike a title that generally requires an external award decision, the accompanying change in status is a r...

Overcoming Fears and Anxiety

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Overcoming Fears and Anxiety LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss various strategies for overcoming common fears and anxiety about public speaking In addressing fear of public speaking, author and professional speaker Michael Aun shares a quote fro...

Developing an Effective Speech

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Developing an Effective Speech LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify the five steps of developing an effective speech Let’s assume you see the value in developing public speaking as a skill. Where do you start? A good warm-up exercise is to watch a...

Introduction to Speech Tips and Techniques

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Introduction to Speech Tips and Techniques What you’ll learn to do: Discuss tips and tricks to giving an effective speech We’re living in a time where ideas—learning and sharing—are essential skills. According to communication coach and bestselling author Ca...

Audience Participation

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Audience Participation LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss effective ways to use audience participation Discuss appropriate ways to respond to questions without derailing a presentation Audience participation is not only an effective way to reinf...

Audience Attention and Rapport

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Audience Attention and Rapport LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe techniques to gain and keep an audience’s attention The key to capturing and maintaining an audience’s attention is, to riff on the TED Talk tagline, having an idea worth sharing ...

Introduction to Audience Engagement

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Introduction to Audience Engagement What you’ll learn to do: Identify the role and importance of your audience In order to achieve the key objective identified by TED Conference curator Chris Anderson—the transfer of an idea—a speaker must effectively engage...

How You Speak

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

How You Speak LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss strategies to effectively use vocal variety to emphasize your message Identify types of language to avoid in your speech Vocal Variety Just as gestures and body language affect how you are percei...

Body Language and Gestures

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Body Language and Gestures LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss strategies to effectively use body language and gestures to emphasize your message One of the essential rules, and success factors, for public speaking is authenticity. This is as tr...

Starting Your Speech

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Starting Your Speech LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss effective ways to begin your speech Your opening comments, like the lead sentences of an article, can make or break a speech. As William Zinsser phrases it in On Writing Well, “The most impo...

Introduction to Delivery Techniques

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 7 - Public Speaking

Introduction to Delivery Techniques What you’ll learn to do: Describe delivery techniques for use during a public speech As alluded to in the prior section, a live speech is, in effect, a performance. In addition to what you say, audience members will be rea...

Editing and Enhancing a PowerPoint Presentation

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Bu...

Editing and Enhancing a PowerPoint Presentation LEARNING OUTCOMES Add, delete, and move slides Insert text boxes Change theme on a presentation Now that you’ve created a presentation, let’s start adding to it! If you closed your presen...