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Class Activity - Innovatank Case

Oscar Presentation 

  1. Create your talking points around your unique value proposition
  2. Transform into a slide deck - Put together a slide deck - what would you say
  3. 30 Seconds Introductory Pitch - Present it. - without powerpoints - if you were to present yourself - pitch 

Insert Video here 

Workplace Success 

Speak about a conflict that you had in the past, if you were to turn back time, what would you do? 

1. Describe the nature of the conflict that you have experienced

2. Was there a resolution found? What did the resolution look like? 

3. If you were to take the Thomas Killman Model, where would your conflict fit into the model?

4. You had the power to go back in time, what would you do in terms of compromise?

5. In retrospect, name 1-2 positive things that you learned from this conflict. 

EDI Matters 

Diversity Wheel Activity

In 1990, Marilyn Loden and Judy Rosener developed a framework for thinking about the different dimensions of diversity within individuals and institutions. Depicted as concentric circles, this “Diversity Wheel” can be used in many ways to encourage thinking about values, beliefs, and dimensions of identity for people and organizations.


  • After spending time looking at the wheel, write down 5 characteristics that describe who you are—the top five things you think of when you think of describing yourself. 
  • Locate your characteristics on the Diversity Wheel and then write about why you identified yourself with those characteristics
  • Then rank these identifiers based on their importance to you 
  • Then rank these characteristics based on how others categorize you. 
  • What does this exercise tell you about beliefs and prejudices?

LinkedIn to Win 

Build your Profile 

  1. Build a complete LinkedIn Profile based on each section we spoke about

Build your Network

  1. Connect with 10 -15 people from your class 
  2. Connect with 10-15 people you know from your past on LinkedIn 
  3. Connect with 10-15 people from your academic circle (other classes, from your school)
  4. Connect with 10-15 people from your job/community (your dentist etc...), people that your parents know, from networking situations
  5. The objective is to have 50 (or even more!) new connections by the end of the course. 

Building Better Relationships 

30-day building better relationships challenge 

Goal: Hit 30 days with 30 acts of building better relationships - get a badge for your LinkedIn profile

Based on what we talked about, relationships extend everywhere. Be Creative!

1 thing every day


  • Offer to drive someone to work knowing that they are taking public transportation
  • Asking someone a question about themselves that you want to get to know better (someone you haven't met before)
  • Asking someone to be part of an activity
  • Commenting on someone's post on LinkedIn
  • Introduce two people that you think have something in common
  • Connect with someone new on LinkedIn and get to know them
  • Compromising on a conflict
  • Asking someone's opinion about any topic
  • Listen to someone's pitch and give feedback to help them improve

  • Chapter 1: Self-Assessment (Only Select Topics to be Covered)
  • Chapter 2: Workplace Success (Only Select Topics to be Covered)
  • Chapter 3: EDI Matters and Linked in
  • Chapter 4 : Goal Setting and Career Decision Making (Only Select Topics to be Covered)
  • Chapter 10 : Strengths for Success (Only Select Topics to be Covered)
  • Chapter 9: Job Search Essential (Only Select Topics to be Covered)
  • Chapter 14: Resumes and Job Applications (Only Select Topics to be Covered)
  • Chapter 11: Letters: Cover Letters and Thank You Letters (Only Select Topics to be Covered)
  • Chapter 7: Interview Smarter (Only Select Topics to be Covered)
  • Chapter 8: Perfect your Pitch  (Only Select Topics to be Covered)
  • Chapter 12: Growing Your Career (Only Select Topics to be Covered)

Chapter 8: Perfect your Pitch  (Only Select Topics to be Covered