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Banner Advertising

Banner ads are images or animations that advertise brands, products, and services on websites. They can be likened to the ads one would find in newspapers and magazines. Many types of banner ads exist, including the following:

  • standard banners: standard sizes (measured in pixels) for static, animated, and rich media banner adverts
  • interstitial banners: shown between pages on a website or, more often, between screens on an app
  • pop-up ads: pop up, or under, the webpage being viewed; open in a new, smaller window
  • floating adverts: appear in a layer over the content but not in a separate window
  • wallpaper adverts: change the background of the webpage being viewed; may be clickable
  • map adverts: placed on an online map, such as Google Maps; usually based on keywords
  • native content ads: the online version of advertorials, where the advertiser produces content that is in line with the editorial style of the site but is sponsored or in some way product-endorsed by the brand

Figure 5.11 shows an example of a standard banner ad.

Figure 5.11 Banner Ad

Figure 5.12 shows an example of an interstitial banner ad.

Figure 5.12 Interstitial

Figure 5.13 shows an example of a pop-up ad.

Figure 5.13 Pop-Up Ad

Figure 5.14 shows an example of a floating ad.

Figure 5.14 Floating Ad

Figure 5.15 shows an example of wallpaper ad.

Figure 5.15 Wallpaper

Figure 5.16 shows an example of a map ad.

Figure 5.16 Map

Figure 5.17 shows an example of a native ad.

Figure 5.17 Native