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You are a fitness center creating a campaign for people who want to get back into shape.

One of the personas you are targeting is Avery.

Avery is a person living in a major Canadian city center. They are their late twenties to early thirties and are in the top 20% in revenue in their city. With increased responsibilities at work and a newborn, Avery had put exercising aside for a few years. They feel sluggish, lack energy, and miss having a stronger connection with their body. With age, their body has also started to transform, and they have started to feel self-conscious about it. To remediate this, they want to get back into exercising weekly. They don’t have much time, and they also don’t know much about working out or the market—for example, where to work out or how to work out.


Social Media Analysis Using RACE

Using the RACE framework, analyze and compare the following three Instagram fitness center accounts:
  • @achievefitnessboston
  • @goodlifefitness
Can you group their posts into RACE stages? What are the objectives of these themes? What are the goals for consumers?

Think of the implications for generating awareness, attracting visitors, creating leads, converting leads into customers, and generating engagement.

Create a (Digital) Journey Map

Integrate paid, owned, and earned marketing activities for a campaign for your fitness center based on the journey map provided.

For one or two stages, accomplish the following actions:

  • Start with the concrete actions of consumers.
  • Identify opportunities.
  • Translate the opportunities into concrete marketing activities.
  • Find a way to make each activity a paid, owned, and earned media activity.