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Your Science Report

This section is about your project. We are going to take this step by step. It will end up be...

1 – The Proposal

The research project may need to be presented to a review board for academic or financial conside...

2 – The Literature Review

Now that you got the green light to go ahead with the project, the next step is to dig into past ...

3 – Organizing the Citations

Before you write the literature review, organize your material. As you read, include ideas and c...

4 – Academic Voice

Why Should I Care? Academics are not – necessarily – snobs. But they insist on a neutral tone in...

5 – Classic Essay Style

Why Should I Care? If the style is not specified, you can fall back on some general rules. The ...

6 – MLA Style

Why Should I Care? Some journals (and academics in that same field) use the MLA style, which is ...

7 – APA Style

Why Should I Care? Some journals (and academics in that same field) use the APA style, which is ...

8 – Quick and Dirty Style Guide

Why Should I Care? Here are a few short notes on what I expect in your papers. Paragraph Format...

9 – Writing English in Quebec

Why Should I Care? The Province of Quebec’s official language is French. The language most spoke...

10 – A Paper Template

This template will not make for an interesting read, but all the nuts and bolts are there. APA ...

11 – Revision Checklist

Here is a check list of things to revise before submitting an assignment. Step 1: Go over the wh...

12 – Interview

Write a loose set of questions for an interview you will conduct with someone who knows this to...

13 – Questionnaire

Write a strict set of questions for a survey you will conduct with many people who may or may not...

14 – Defining Variables and Operationalization

14 – Defining Variables and Operationalization Variable type Variable Name Phenom...

15 – Frequency Tables

15 – Frequency Tables Summarize your findings from each survey into this summary data table. ...

16 – Averages

Why Should I Care? You can manipulate numbers tell the story you wish to tell. Is this is unethi...

Principles of Scientific Research

These principles apply to all disciplines, and methods, used in social science. They are univ...

1 – What is Social Science?

Why Should I Care? Without science, your beliefs are based on your elders experience, on superst...

2 – How to Build Knowledge Scientifically?

Why Should I Care? How research is conducted can affect the results of a scientific project. The...

3 – Citing Sources

Why Should I Care? It’s so easy now to buy a paper online. Teachers and all sorts of readers kno...

4 – Grey, News, Opiniated and User-Generated Media

Why Should I Care? The sources you chose will determine the quality of your work. Bias in your s...

5 – Reviewing the Literature

Why Should I Care? Listing and summarizing previous research results allows you to set a foundat...

6 – Due Diligence – Business Research

Research is about attitude. If you wish to find, you will find. If you give up, you will end up e...

7 – Measuring Variables

Why should I care? The accuracy of your project depends on whether or not you are measuring the ...

8 – Building a Hypothesis

Why Should I Care? How the data is gathered can affect the results, and the amount of time and r...

9 – Types of Logic

Why Should I Care? Your understanding of the problem depends on the type of logic you are using....

10 – Operationalization

Why Should I Care? How the data is gathered can affect the results, and the amount of time and r...

11 – Models and Simulations

Why Should I Care? Sometimes, you cannot operationalize. It would be too risky, not feasible, or...

12 – Sampling

Why Should I Care? A bad sample will kill your scientific power. That’s all there is to it. Def...

13 – Research Power

Why Should I Care? The scientific strength, or power, of your research depends on several key tr...

14 – Establishing Cause

Why Should I Care? Something is a problem. We can reduce the negative impacts, but that is calle...

15 – The Ethics of Social Research

Why Should I Care? Research projects may incur harm. This issue has to be dealt with by universi...

16 – Communicating Results

Why Should I Care? The type of data, and your disciplinary focus, will determine the medium you ...

17 – Averages

Why Should I Care? You can make numbers tell the story you wish to tell. This is unethical and e...

The Research Methods

This is a short presentation of the main research methods, as they apply to social science. Th...