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2229 total results found

Module 11 Assignment: Communicating Different Messages

Business Communication Skills for Managers Resources: Discussions and Assignments

Module 11 Assignment: Communicating Different Messages You are a general manager at a grocery store checking your email when you read the two email messages below. Your task is to write a response back to both emails. As you do so, remember the lessons from t...

8.4 Income Inequalities

Business Ethics Module 8 - Recognizing and Respecting t...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Explain why income inequality is a problem for the United States and the world Analyze the effects of income inequality on the middle class Describe possible solutions to the pr...

Why It Matters: Communicating in Business

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 1 - Communicating in Business

Why It Matters: Communicating in Business Why learn to effectively communicate in business? Business is about people. We exist to serve people with our products and services, to employ them and pay them to do work, to purchase the supplies and merchandise we...


Business Ethics Module 9 - Professions under the Micros...

Figure 9.1 What are the ethical challenges in entrepreneurship? In social media and advertising? In insurance and health care? This chapter examines these industries through an ethical lens. (credit: modification of “Health Care Medicine Healthy” by “ar13040...


Business Ethics Module 8 - Recognizing and Respecting t...

1. Novid Parsi, “Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Gets Innovative,” Society for Human Resource Management, January 16, 2017. ...

Assessment Questions

Business Ethics Module 8 - Recognizing and Respecting t...

1. Diversity and inclusion at all levels of a private-sector company is ________. A. mandated by federal law B. the approach preferred by many companies C. required by state law in thirty states D. contrary to the company’s fiduciary duty t...


Business Ethics Module 8 - Recognizing and Respecting t...

8.1 Diversity and Inclusion in the Workforce A diverse workforce yields many positive outcomes for a company. Access to a deep pool of talent, positive customer experiences, and strong performance are all documented positives. Diversity may also bring some ...

Key Terms

Business Ethics Module 8 - Recognizing and Respecting t...

animal rights the entitlement of nonhuman animals to ethical treatment diversity dividend the financial benefit of improved performance resulting from a diverse workforce inclusion the engagement of all employees in the corporate culture in...

8.5 Animal Rights and the Implications for Business

Business Ethics Module 8 - Recognizing and Respecting t...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Explain rising concerns about corporate treatment of animals Explain the concept of agribusiness ethics Describe the financial implications of animal ethics for business Ethi...

8.3 Sexual Identification and Orientation

Business Ethics Module 8 - Recognizing and Respecting t...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Explain how sexual identification and orientation are protected by law Discuss the ethical issues raised in the workplace by differences in sexual identification and orientation ...

Module 12 Assignment: Collaboration in and Across Teams

Business Communication Skills for Managers Resources: Discussions and Assignments

Module 12 Assignment: Collaboration in and Across Teams Imagine you are the regional manager of a grocery store chain, and you are going to conduct a professional development session to teach your staff about team building techniques for more effective commun...

8.2 Accommodating Different Abilities and Faiths

Business Ethics Module 8 - Recognizing and Respecting t...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Identify workplace accommodations often provided for persons with differing abilities Describe workplace accommodations made for religious reasons The traditional definition o...

8.1 Diversity and Inclusion in the Workforce

Business Ethics Module 8 - Recognizing and Respecting t...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Explain the benefits of employee diversity in the workplace Discuss the challenges presented by workplace diversity Diversity is not simply a box to be checked; rather, it is ...


Business Ethics Module 8 - Recognizing and Respecting t...

Figure 8.1 The globalization of the economy highlights one of the advantages of a diverse workforce that can interact effectively with customers all over the world. (credit outside, clockwise from top left: modification of “GenoPheno” by Cory Zanker/Flickr, ...


Business Ethics Module 7 - What Employees Owe Employers

1. Schmidt v. Blue Lily Farms LLC, No. A08-1398. (Minn. Ct. App. July 21, 2009). 2. Restatement (Second) of Agency, § 394 (1958). 3. Peter Murdock, “The New Reality of Employee Loyalty,” F...

Module 15 Assignment: Additional Assignments for Job Candidates

Business Communication Skills for Managers Resources: Discussions and Assignments

Module 15 Assignment: Additional Assignments for Job Candidates In Module 15: Recruiting and Selecting New Employees, we cover additional methods to determine a job applicant’s skills. Have you ever had to complete a test or demonstrate your skills as part of...

Module 15 Assignment: Recruiting and Selecting New Employees

Business Communication Skills for Managers Resources: Discussions and Assignments

Module 15 Assignment: Recruiting and Selecting New Employees You are a store manager at a natural beauty supply store, NatureU, a small chain that has three locations within 25 miles of one another. One of your day-shift managers, Rochelle, has just let you k...

Module 14 Assignment: Finding a Job

Business Communication Skills for Managers Resources: Discussions and Assignments

Module 14 Assignment: Finding a Job For this assignment, you are going to find a job advertisement online that you would potentially want to apply for someday. You’ll then create a custom résumé and cover letter for this specific job, and then fill out the In...

Module 13 Assignment: Social Diversity in the Workplace

Business Communication Skills for Managers Resources: Discussions and Assignments

Module 13 Assignment: Social Diversity in the Workplace You are one of four co-founders of a new start-up company producing a new line of meal-replacement drinks. You and your co-founders have had two promising years of producing and selling your product, and...

9.1 Entrepreneurship and Start-Up Culture

Business Ethics Module 9 - Professions under the Micros...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, you will be able to: Identify ethical challenges relating to entrepreneurial start-ups Describe positive and negative effects of growth in a start-up Discuss the role of the founder in instilling an...