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Module 14 Assignment: Finding a Job

Module 14 Assignment: Finding a Job

For this assignment, you are going to find a job advertisement online that you would potentially want to apply for someday. You’ll then create a custom résumé and cover letter for this specific job, and then fill out the Interview Research Worksheet for your chosen job.

You will submit a link to the job advertisement, your custom résumé, your cover letter, and your completed Interview Research Worksheet to your instructor.

NOTE: You can use your actual work and volunteer experience as you create your résumé and cover letter for this assignment, so you’ll be able to use them as starting points when applying for jobs in the “real world.” If you are still building your work work experience, complete this assignment for the job you want in the future.

Grading Rubric

Criteria Not Evident Developing Proficient Exemplary Points
Provide a link to an applicable job posting 0 pts

Link is not provided


Link is not provided

3 pts

Job is not applicable


Link is provided and job is applicable

5 pts
Create a customized résumé, matching the vocabulary and skills of the provided job posting 0 pts

No résumé is submitted

5 pts

Résumé does not include all elements of a résumé

10 pts

Résumé includes all elements of a résumé, but does not align perfectly to the job posting

15 pts

Résumé includes all elements of a résumé, and aligns perfectly to the job posting

15 pts
Create a customized cover letter, matching the vocabulary and skills of the provided job posting 0 pts

No cover letter is submitted

5 pts

Letter does not include all elements of a cover letter

10 pts

Letter includes all elements of a résumé, but does not align perfectly to the job posting

15 pts

Letter includes all elements of a résumé, and aligns perfectly to the job posting

15 pts
Complete the Interview Research worksheet 0 pts

No worksheet is submitted

5 pts

Worksheet is only partially completed

10 pts

Worksheet is completed, but does not match details of the job posting

15 pts

Worksheet is completed and matches details from the job posting

15 pts
Total: 50 pts