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Background Persona

You are a real estate company located in Montreal that specializes in first-time buyers.

Let’s assume a quick draft of a persona.

Bill and Jane are newly wed and are looking to start a family. They want to have some space because they are planning to have two kids, and ideally a backyard. They would also like their house to become the family house. In other words, they would like the family to grow in the house. Ideally, that means finding a family friendly neighborhood, where the schools are good and accessible. Their budget is somewhat limited, because they are quite young, which can be a problem when wanting to find a home. Lastly, they are also first-time house buyers, and they are quite unaware of the whole process of buying a home.

You are a real estate company located in Montreal that specializes in first-time buyers.

  • Identify an informational search your target market might do.
  • Identify a transactional search your target market might do.
  • Identify a navigational search your target market might do.

Creating Content With SEO in Mind

Pick one search out of the three searches you have identified prior. For this search, come up with an idea for a webpage, concentrating on the following elements of the webpage:

  • Page title
  • Meta description
  • Headings
  • URL
  • Keyword synonyms in body

How can we boost backlinks for our real estate company? Identify five concrete ways to do so.

Competitive analysis

Reverse engineer the SEO efforts and content marketing strategy of competitors. Again, consider the page title, description, URL, headings, keywords in content, and alt tags.

Then, go to and pick three blog articles. Identify

  • the keywords on which these articles are supposed to rank and
  • who you think they are targeting.

Finding novel competitive spaces

Based on the searches we previously talked about, find five alternative, less competitive searches to rank on.