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Outcome: Defining the Message

What you’ll learn to do: discuss how to develop effective messaging for marketing communications

At the center of any successful marketing activity is a message. Without a solid, consistent message, your marketing efforts are like a compass without an arrow: there is nothing to point your target audiences in the direction you want them to go.

Good messaging takes time and attention to develop, but this effort pays a huge dividend down the road—when your marketing activities have their desired effect on the hearts, minds, and wallets of the people you want to reach.

The specific things you’ll learn in this section include:

  • Explain the role of consistent messaging in strengthening the impact of marketing communications
  • Outline a standard framework for developing messaging for marketing communications
  • Explain the importance of including a clear call to action in marketing communications

Learning Activities

  • Reading: Defining the Message
  • Self Check: Defining the Message
  • Outcome: Defining the Message. Provided by: Lumen Learning. LicenseCC BY: Attribution