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Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

Why It Matters: Promotion: Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

Why demonstrate how organizations use integrated marketing communication (IMC) to support their m...

Learning Hacks: Learning Styles

THE HACK While people may prefer to learn in certain ways, learning styles do not exist Try to ...

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Definition

What you’ll learn to do: explain integrated marketing communication (IMC) and its connection to t...

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Definition

IMC: Making an Impact with Marketing Communication Having a great product available to your cu...

Marketing Campaigns and IMC

The Marketing Campaign Determining which marketing communication methods and tools to use and ...

Defining the Message

What you’ll learn to do: discuss how to develop effective messaging for marketing communications ...

Defining the Message

Why the Message Matters A clear, consistent message can be the difference between ...

Determining IMC Objectives and Approach

What you’ll learn to do: explain factors to consider when selecting marketing communication metho...

Determining IMC Objectives and Approach

Laying the Foundation for Effective Marketing Campaigns To use integrated marketing communicatio...

Video: Prioritizing Marketing Communications

Given all the different marketing communication tools and opportunities out there, it can be hard...

Marketing Communication Methods

What you’ll learn to do: describe common methods of marketing communication, their advantages and...


Advertising: Pay to Play A 1900 advertisement for Pears soap Advertising is any paid fo...

Public Relations

Public Relations: Getting Attention to Polish Your Image Public relations (PR) is the process ...

Sales Promotions

Sales promotion helps make personal selling and advertising more effective. Sales promotions are ...

Personal Selling

People Power Personal selling uses in-person interaction to sell products and services. This t...

Direct Marketing

Direct Marketing: Going Straight to the Customer Direct marketing activities bypass any interm...

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing: Inform, Entice, Engage Digital marketing is an umbrella term for using a digi...

Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla Marketing: Thinking Outside the Box Guerrilla marketing is a relatively new marketing ...

Using IMC in the Sales Process

What you’ll learn to do: explain how IMC tools support the sales process As you know very well b...

Using IMC in the Sales Process

Through the Looking Glass: Understanding the Sales Process Up to this point, we’ve emphasized th...

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems and IMC

What you’ll learn to do: describe the uses of customer relationship management (CRM) systems for ...

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems and IMC

Using CRM to Support Marketing Communication Earlier in this course we introduced customer relat...

Measuring Marketing Communication Effectiveness

What you’ll learn to do: explain common tools used to measure marketing communication effectivene...

Measuring Marketing Communication Effectiveness

Why Measure? Measurement is an important aspect of marketing campaigns and other marketing act...

Developing a Marketing Campaign and Budget

What you’ll learn to do: create a marketing campaign and budget using multiple IMC tools to execu...

Developing a Marketing Campaign and Budget

Planning for Action As you can appreciate at this point—especially after learning about all th...

Putting It Together: Promotion: Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

The readings in this module pulled apart the different pieces of integrated marketing communicati...

Module 13 Discussion: Marketing Campaign Concept

Instructions Write a post for the Discussion on this topic, addressing the questions below. You ...


1. The process involving coordination of a variety of different communication tools used to deliv...


Advertising: A paid, non-personal communication through various media (such as television, ra...