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Module 15 Assignment: Marketing Plan Presentation

Instructors may structure this assignment in a variety of ways:

  • Individual presentations. Students prepare and deliver PowerPoint presentations for their own marketing plans. The instructor determines length of time and presentation format (in person vs. virtual, live vs. recorded) depending on the course modality and time available.
  • Group presentations. Each group selects one marketing plan to present. They work together on refining the marketing plan, creating and delivering a PowerPoint presentation together. The instructor determines length of time and presentation format (in person vs. virtual, live vs. recorded) depending on the course modality and time available.
  • Slide preparation only. Students prepare PowerPoint slides to accompany their marketing plans. Use this option only if it really isn’t possible to have students deliver presentations.

Given the variation in how this assignment might be structured, we haven’t created sample student instructions. Instructions should point students to the reading about presenting marketing plans, in the “Marketing Plan” module. It contains guidance about creating and delivering business presentations.

Sample Grading Rubric: Marketing Plan Presentation

Sample Grading Rubric: Marketing Plan Presentation
Criteria: Marketing Plan Presentation Not Evident Developing Proficient Exemplary Points
Professionalism 0-5 pts
Many grammar and spelling mistakes, citations are missing or not all sources are cited, writing lacks logical organization. It may show some coherence but ideas lack unity. Serious errors and generally is an unorganized format and information.
10 pts
Grammar and spelling mistakes, citations mistakes, some sources not cited, organization and readability is difficult to follow, fairly clear articulation of ideas, incorrect use of templates, etc.
15 pts
Few grammar and spelling mistakes, few citations mistakes, all sources cited, fair organization and readability, fairly clear articulation of ideas, mostly correct use of templates, etc.
20 pts
Proper grammar, spelling, citations, sources, good organization, readability, clear articulation of ideas, correct use of templates, etc.
20 pts
Thoroughness 0-5 pts
Response doesn’t follow instructions; response is not researched or may state items directly from the source with little to no original thought, writing is confusing and difficult to follow; significantly falls short of or exceeds appropriate length; doesn’t address all prompts and assignment criteria; incomplete or missing analysis
10 pts
Doesn’t follow all instructions; response is not researched and may be confusing or difficult to follow; significantly falls short of or exceeds appropriate length; doesn’t address all prompts and assignment criteria; incomplete analysis
15 pts
Follows instructions; response is researched and articulate; may slightly fall short of or exceed appropriate length; addresses the majority of the prompts and assignment criteria; thoughtful analysis.
20 pts
Follows instructions; response is well-researched and articulate; appropriate length; addresses all prompts and assignment criteria; thoughtful analysis.
20 pts
Accuracy 0-2.5 pts
Peer feedback is lacking and may not address possible areas of improvement in work; evaluation, feedback, and recommendations are missing.
5 pts
Peer feedback may in part display an appreciation of what constitutes high quality work; evaluation, feedback, and recommendations are not focused appropriately on areas that need attention and how to improve them
7.5 pts
Peer feedback could be improved but displays an appreciation of what constitutes high quality work; evaluation, feedback, and recommendations are mostly focused appropriately on areas that need attention and how to improve them
10 pts
Peer feedback displays an appreciation of what constitutes high quality work; evaluation, feedback, and recommendations are focused appropriately on areas that need attention and how to improve them
10 pts

Total points possible for Marketing Plan Presentation: 50 pts.

  • Optional Assignment: Marketing Plan Presentation. Provided by: Lumen Learning. LicenseCC BY: Attribution