Challenge 4 A,B,C Details
Methodology, Gathering Results, figuring out
Here is the challenge 4A which will focus on drafting a questionnaire and an ethics form.
Challenge 4A - Setting up your questionnaire
Stage 1 - Brainstorming (done in class, limited time)
- Draft your 3 hypotheses
- for hypothesis 1 - write down 10 questions
- for hypothesis 2 - write down 10 questions
- for hypothesis 3 - write down 10 questions
Stage 2 - Input your finalized questions into a form ready to be sent to the public
Based on the feedback provided in the classroom and your peers, pick the best questions including demographic questions and finalize your questionnaire.
Send this questionnaire with ethics form out to 15 participants
Your questionnaire must include
- 1 likert scale section of at least 5 statements
- 1 paragraph text
- 1 image comparison
In the next step Challenge 4B, you will make edits to your questionnaire can reach out to 50 different participants.
Challenge 4B - Defining your methodologies
- Explore 2 other research methodologies than the survey and focus group - name them and describe how they are useful to your research
- Describe how you will carry your questionnaire forward (define the steps and reasoning) (250 words)
- Describe how you will carry your focus group forward (define the steps and reasoning)(250 words)
- Invite 6 participants to your meeting (it can be via Zoom or in-person)
Revising your questionnaire
- Revise the results of your first questionnaire with 15 participants
- Discuss how you can improve your questionnaire (250 words in point form)
- Make changes and resend the questionnaire to 50 participants include ethics form
Challenge 4C - Analysis of Results
Required Deliverables:
- Basic Graphs - From the questionnaire portion, copy the graphs, rewrite the questions and make it consistent through out your template. Remove all overlaps or cropped information.
- Basic Graphs - For the focus group, unite all of the interview questions, procedure and findings.
- Combined Graphs - Build a minimum of 5 graphs based on the information, use crossing such that put together the significance of two or more questions and then generate your results. Age and Ethnicity allows you to figure out segments of people.
- Strategic Graphs - Build 5 charts or graphs to represent your overall thesis, something high level.
- Targeted Graphs - For each hypothesis, build 3 charts or graphs that defines the results.
There should be a minimum of 20 graphs created.
- Present your results for feedback
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