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340 total results found

Create a Sense of Affinity

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 10 - Social Media

Create a Sense of Affinity LEARNING OUTCOMES Use social media to create a sense of affinity We define affinity as “taking a liking to something, often naturally or spontaneously.” Because of the value social media-savvy consumers place on authenticity, cont...

Short Team-Focused Message

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Write a short team-focused message. Since interactivity is a key to teamwork, a chat environment is a great team-focused communication platform. Short team messages can be communications such as status updates, meeting r...

Criticism of Colleagues

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Write an internal critical message to another colleague. As the workplace shifts to a more team-oriented, cross-functional environment, employees are being asked to provide feedback on colleagues on a regular basis. This...

Criticism of Employees

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

Criticism of Employees LEARNING OUTCOMES Write an internal critical message to a person you manage. The best way to write a critical message to a subordinate is to keep it as constructive as possible. Employees are the ultimate competiti...

Criticism of Customers

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Write an external critical message to an existing customer. We have discussed the importance of happy, satisfied customers to the success of a business. But what if an issue arises that necessitates a critical message to...

Criticism of Other Businesses

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Write an external critical message to a company you are not associated with. Writing a critical message to an unassociated company should follow the following guidelines: Be professional. Use direct writing str...

Types of Criticism

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Differentiate between different types of criticism in business. What is the definition of criticism? Webster’s defines is as “the act of expressing disapproval and of noting the problems or faults of a person or thing; t...

Introduction to Professional Criticism

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

What you’ll learn to do: Write a business message criticizing internal or external business situations. Critical messages are a different category of business messages, and there are different types of critical messages. How would you write a critical message...

Long Team-Focused Message

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Write a long team-focused message. When considering how to communicate a fair amount of information to your team, it is wise to step back and consider which channel would be best, not only to send your message but also t...

What is a Team-Focused Message?

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the purpose and use cases of team-focused messages in a business context Before we can understand the purpose and use of team-building communication, we should start with a discussion of the importance of collaborative teams in toda...

Company News

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 10 - Social Media

Company News LEARNING OUTCOMES Use social media to announce company news So far, we have focused on external customers, but social media is clearly useful for internal customers as well. A change in senior leadership, ownership, or other large non-product- ...

Introduction to Team-Focused Messages

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss the importance of team-focused communication in business. Teams are becoming the standard vehicle of productivity in the workplace; therefore, team-building and team focused messages are more important than ever. We will explo...

Long Informative Messages

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Write a long informative message. While long informative messages can be delivered through a variety of mediums, they will typically hit the same beats regardless of the delivery method. As with all business messages, it...

Short Informative Messages

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Write a short informative message. Short, informative messages can take a variety of forms. For example, a quick communication to a teammate can utilize IM technology and provide a vehicle for a quick response. These mes...

What is an Informative Message?

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the purpose and use cases of informative messages in a business context. Most business communications are in fact “informative” messages. An informative message in the workplace is simply the sharing of meaningfu...

Introduction to Informative Business Messages

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

What you’ll learn to do: Identify the appropriate use of informative business messages and write an informative business message. Informative messages are the backbone of business communication. In this section, we will cover short informative messages using ...

Why It Matters: Communicating Different Messages

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

Why learn to effectively communicate different messages? How would it feel if you found out your job had been eliminated due to cost-cutting measures? How about if this news was not delivered in a one-on-one or small-group meeting with your manager but instea...

Assignment: Social Media

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 10 - Social Media

Assignment: Social Media Step 1: To view this assignment, click on Assignment: Social Media. Step 2: Follow the instructions in the assignment and submit your completed assignment into the LMS.   LICENSES AND ATTRIBUTIONS CC LICENSED CONTENT, ORIG...

Putting It Together: Social Media

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 10 - Social Media

Putting It Together: Social Media In this module, we explored how social media is a relatively inexpensive and efficient way to express your organization’s communications. Usually these platforms are for marketing, but they can also be useful for internal com...

Introduction to Responding to Criticism

Business Communication Skills for Managers Module 11 - Communicating Different Mes...

What you will learn to do: Write a response to criticism. There will always be criticism to deal with in the workplace. How would you respond to criticism in a professional manner? How can you keep feelings of frustration with others or with a workplace situa...