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Using Informal Reports
Using Informal Reports LEARNING OUTCOMES Differentiate among typical types of informa...
Introduction to Informal Reports
Introduction to Informal Reports What you’ll learn to do: Create an informal report Informal ...
Stakeholders LEARNING OUTCOMES Compare and contrast different type of stakeholders in...
Types of Reports
Types of Reports LEARNING OUTCOMES Distinguish between informal and formal reports D...
Introduction to Business Reports
Introduction to Business Reports What you’ll learn to do: Discuss the different types of reports...
Why It Matters: Reports
Why It Matters: Reports Why learn to write business reports? You’ve just come home from your da...
1.Which of the following is NOT a type of visual media? A) Painting B) Sculpture C) Poetry D)...
Accessibility Matters
Accessibility Matters LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the importance of making your media a...
Introduction to Using Visuals
Introduction to Using Visuals What you’ll learn to do: Incorporate meaningful visual media in bu...
Visuals in a Report
Visuals in a Report LEARNING OUTCOME Identify appropriate and professional visual rep...
Increasing Impact with Media
Increasing Impact with Media LEARNING OUTCOME Identify effective use of visual media ...
Revising and Enhancing Visual Media for Impact
Revising and Enhancing Visual Media for Impact LEARNING OUTCOME Describe the process ...
Evaluating the Effectiveness of your Message
Evaluating the Effectiveness of your Message LEARNING OUTCOME Evaluate the effectiven...
Putting It Together: Visual Media
Putting It Together: Visual Media Statistics from different professional fields tell us that vis...
Assignment: Visual Media
Assignment: Visual Media Step 1: To view this assignment, click on Assignment: Visual Media. St...
Discussion: Visual Media
Discussion: Visual Media Step 1: To view this discussion prompt, click on Discussion: Visual Med...
Video as a Visual Aid
Video as a Visual Aid LEARNING OUTCOME Discuss the pros and cons of using videos as a...
Introduction to Accessible Visual Aids
Introduction to Accessible Visual Aids What you’ll learn to do: Identify ways to make informatio...
Products and Resources for Creating Videos
Products and Resources for Creating Videos LEARNING OUTCOME Describe the process of p...
Designing a Video for Your Needs
Designing a Video for Your Needs LEARNING OUTCOME Describe the process of planning, d...