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Landing Pages

A landing page is a campaign-specific page distinct from your main website that has one goal and one link (ideally, a call to action).

  • Campaign specific: It is associated with a specific campaign. Ideally, you might also want to create specific landing pages for specific ads. This allows you to better optimize conversion rates by practicing some strategies we will cover during the Convert stage.
  • Distinct from your main website: you cannot access it from any page of your main website, but it is still hosted on your domain (e.g.,
  • One goal: Visitors should be able to achieve one thing and one thing only. We will see shortly that landing pages can have as an objective either to acquire leads or to redirect visitors to some specific section of your website.
  • One link: There is only one link that consumers can click on that page.

Types of Landing Pages

Two main types of landing pages exist.

  • clickthrough landing page
    • The goal of this landing page is to have visitors visit a specific section of your website.
    • It is generally a sales pitch to warm visitors up to what is to come.
  • lead generation landing page
    • Your objective here is to generate leads, and the goal for people on this landing page is to give you their personal information (e.g., email address).
    • It is thus typically a form-based page.
    • Sometimes, an email address is offered in exchange for some piece of content or a free service, like a white paper, a webinar, a free consultation, a discount, a contest, a free trial, or the opportunity to order a product before others.

Figures 5.1 and 5.2 present examples of clickthrough landing pages, and Figures 5.3 and 5.4 present examples of lead generation landing pages.

Figure 5.1 Examples of a Clickthrough Landing Page – Fit for Life

Fit for Life landing page asking you to sign up for a free account to receive a free workout plan.

                                                        Figure 5.2 Examples of a Clickthrough Landing Page – Spotify

Spotify landing page with large button saying Get Premium and smaller link to free service.

                                                     Figure 5.3 Example of a Lead Generation Landing Page – Fit for Life
Fit for Life landing page with form asking for name, email, and fitness goal.

                                                         Figure 5.4 Examples of a Lead Generation Landing Page – Uber
Uber landing page asking you to create an account and give your city and where you heard of Uber.