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2227 total results found

Module 19 - Sustainable Marketing: The New Paradigm

Principles of Marketing

9 – Case Study

Research Methods The Research Methods

Why Should I Care? If you wish to study business, or any other applied field of study such as law, or medicine, much of the “how-to” knowledge comes from the accumulation of real-life events. Each “case” can help to build your knowledge base, design your play...

2- Survey Questionnaire

Research Methods The Research Methods

Why Should I Care? Your Questionnaire can sink the scientific validity of your project. There is a right way, and a very wrong way to question your surveyed population. Sampling Typically done on large populations. Sample size magic number is 1,000 responde...

3 – Survey Interview

Research Methods The Research Methods

Why Should I Care? You would rather spend more time with respondents to dig into a topic. You prefer to reduce the size of the sample. You don’t mind open-ended questions. You want to get to the bottom of things. Objects of Measurement Interviews are about ...

4 – Experiment

Research Methods The Research Methods

Why Should I Care? Controlling the social environment to conduct science is prone to ethical issues. But doing it right produces great science. Definitions Experiment: A study where techniques are used to isolate, control, and manipulate the major variables...

5 – Field Work

Research Methods The Research Methods

Why Should I Care? Some of the best social science comes from field work, but many people are not convinced because it is often exploratory, or descriptive, work.  Definitions Field work: Research that involves studying social phenomena as they occur in the...

6 – Unobtrusive Measurement

Research Methods The Research Methods

Why Should I Care? There are hidden messages and meanings in landmarks, and objects that cannot speak. They have a story to tell if we know how to listen. Definitions Indirect Methods: The study of human activity without the implication of humans in the obs...

7 – Content Analysis

Research Methods The Research Methods

Why Should I Care? Humans produce a lot of content. Are you a content creator? This is even a full-time job for many people. There are obvious messages, but also hidden meanings, to media that we are exposed to every day. There is a scientific way to analyze ...

8 – Available Data

Research Methods The Research Methods

Why Should I Care? Many – if not most – researchers are producing reports based on data that was collected by someone else. This is convenient because it saves time and money. But it is also tricky because there may be gaps or errors in the data that the end-...

1 – The Proposal

Research Methods Your Science Report

The research project may need to be presented to a review board for academic or financial considerations. In this case you would be required to provide a proposal. This is a short text (max 800 words), where you map out what you would do if you got the green l...

General Information

Research Methods General Information

Why the Manual? We feel that students need some hands-on practice when learning to conduct social science projects. Since there were no textbooks out there that do that job, I decided to write something simple and relatively affordable for students. You will...

2 – The Literature Review

Research Methods Your Science Report

Now that you got the green light to go ahead with the project, the next step is to dig into past research, and all sorts of published material, to learn as much as possible on your topic, and the best way to measure your variables. All papers have a literatur...

3 – Organizing the Citations

Research Methods Your Science Report

Before you write the literature review, organize your material. As you read, include ideas and citations in the matrix below. You should actually make your own matrix in a MS Word document. Enter your citations one at a time, as you go through each source. ...

4 – Academic Voice

Research Methods Your Science Report

Why Should I Care? Academics are not – necessarily – snobs. But they insist on a neutral tone in academic papers, something you are ready to master. What is a Science Paper? A science paper is a type of document: an article that is published in a scholarly ...

5 – Classic Essay Style

Research Methods Your Science Report

Why Should I Care? If the style is not specified, you can fall back on some general rules. The Basics You want a clean, crisp presentation, with simple enough language that almost anyone can understand. The style includes a cover page, citations are presen...

6 – MLA Style

Research Methods Your Science Report

Why Should I Care? Some journals (and academics in that same field) use the MLA style, which is useful to know. The Basics MLA stands for Modern Literature Association. This group of “English Lit” professors share a common style for the publishing of papers...

7 – APA Style

Research Methods Your Science Report

Why Should I Care? Some journals (and academics in that same field) use the APA style, which is useful to know. The Basics APA stands for American Psychology Association. This group of psychologists share a common style for the publishing of papers, which a...

8 – Quick and Dirty Style Guide

Research Methods Your Science Report

Why Should I Care? Here are a few short notes on what I expect in your papers. Paragraph Formats: One argument per paragraph 2-4 paragraphs per page (rule of thumb) Indent first line Margins Justified / Times New Roman / Garamond / 12 pt. Double-spaced ...

1- Survey

Research Methods The Research Methods

Why Should I Care? Surveys are very common. However, many are not done well. There are many traps most people don’t know about that reduce their scientific validity. Definitions Survey: the act of measuring objects or phenomena. Social survey:  a research ...

Table of Contents

Research Methods General Information

 Table of Contents Part 1 – General Information Why the Apparatus? Acknowledgements Who is Charles-Albert Ramsay? How to write an email to your instructor Part 2 – The Research Methods 1 – Survey 2 – Survey Questionnaire 3 – Survey Interview 4 – Expe...

Answer Key

Principles of Marketing

Module 5 - Visual Media

Business Communication Skills for Managers


Principles of Marketing

Faculty Resources Overview

Business Communication Skills for Managers

Resources: Discussions and Assignments

Business Communication Skills for Managers

Module 1 - Communicating in Business

Business Communication Skills for Managers

Module 2 - Writing in Business

Business Communication Skills for Managers

Module 3 - Written Communication

Business Communication Skills for Managers

Module 4 - Research

Business Communication Skills for Managers

Module 6 - Reports

Business Communication Skills for Managers

Module 15 - Recruiting and Selecting New Employees

Business Communication Skills for Managers

Module 7 - Public Speaking

Business Communication Skills for Managers

Module 8 - Developing and Delivering Business Presentations

Business Communication Skills for Managers

Module 9 - Communicating Through Technology

Business Communication Skills for Managers

Module 10 - Social Media

Business Communication Skills for Managers

Module 11 - Communicating Different Messages

Business Communication Skills for Managers

Module 12 - Collaboration In And Across Teams

Business Communication Skills for Managers

Module 13 - Social Diversity in the Workplace

Business Communication Skills for Managers

Module 14 - Finding a Job

Business Communication Skills for Managers

9 – Writing English in Quebec

Research Methods Your Science Report

Why Should I Care? The Province of Quebec’s official language is French. The language most spoken in Quebec is French. Many official names, and documents are in French and may not be translated to English. Much of your documentation may be in French, so it is...