V. Attitudes and Attitude Change
Learning Objectives
In this section, we will learn about attitudes and how marketers design strategies to strengthen consumers’ attitudes or change attitudes to favour their marketing purposes.
Upon completing this section, students should:
1. Define the meaning of “attitudes” and summarize its key features.
2. Identify strategies used to change attitudes.
3. Explain the relationship between “involvement” and “attitudes.”
4. Identify ways in which marketers can use persuasion to form or change consumer attitudes.
24. Key Terms and Concepts
25. Understanding Attitudes
Although we might use the term in a different way in our everyday life (e.g., “Hey, he’s really g...
26. Changing Attitudes
Every day we are bombarded by advertisements of every sort. The goal of these ads is to sell us c...
27. Chapter Reflections
Continue Learning The Elaboration Likelihood Model (“ELM”) also presented as the “Central and ...