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Introduction to Consumer Behavior

This open textbook was designed for students studying business or marketing at an undergraduate level. It draws on the fields of marketing, business, communications, media studies, psychology, sociology, and anthropology. The book invites readers to examine the internal forces that shape consumer decision making, such as perceptions, motivations, personality, and attitudes as well as the external ones, such as social and situational influences, culture, and subcultures. This text centres the lived experiences of today’s consumers, specifically, undergraduate students. The author has also made efforts to decentre whiteness and dominant culture perspectives wherever possible to ensure a broader and more accurate representation of diverse consumers.


I have been teaching Consumer Behaviour at Kwantlen Polytechnic University since 2013 and really ...

About this Edition

The majority of the content in this book has come from other open resources. I have adapted mater...

Consumer Behaviour and the SDGs

In September 2015, all of the United Nations Member States adopted a “shared blueprint for peace ...

I. Perception

Learning Objectives In this section, we will learn about perception and how marketers use sens...

II. Learning Theories

Learning Objectives In this section, we will discuss learning theories and how marketers use t...

III. Consumer Motivation and Involvement

Learning Objectives In this section, we will learn about motivation and how marketers apply tech...

IV. Personality, Lifestyle, and The Self

Learning Objectives In this section, we will learn about personality, lifestyle, and the self ...

V. Attitudes and Attitude Change

Learning Objectives In this section, we will learn about attitudes and how marketers design st...

VI. Individual Consumer Decision Making

Learning Objectives In this section, we will learn about individual consumer decision making a...

VII. Key Influences on Consumer Decision Making

Learning Objectives In this section, we will learn about the key demographic, social, and situ...

VIII. Culture and Subcultures

Learning Objectives In this section, we will learn about the relationship between culture, sub...


ABCs of Attitudes The three components to an attitude are, A=Affect (how we feel about something...

Ancillary Resources

Here is where you can access and explore the Introduction to Consumer Behaviour Ancillary Resourc...

Book Information

Book Source This book is a cloned version of Introduction to Consumer Behaviour by Andrea Niosi,...