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2227 total results found


Gross Domestic Product

Introduction to Economics Indicators

Why Should I Care? People need to know how big our economy is, and whether or not it is growing. If the economy is too small or growing too slowly, we may be in big trouble. This can affect the levels of employment and prosperity, but also the political stabi...


Introduction to Economics Markets

Why Should I Care? Producers come to the market with a completely different mindset than do buyers. Producers want more money for fewer products. How can they agree with buyers, who want more products for less money? Understanding the supply-side of the story...

Self-Regulating Markets

Introduction to Economics Markets

Why Should I Care? Economists believe that free market prices are very rich and subtle information signals, which enable markets to make better decisions than the government or an expert committee could. That feedback allows markets to self-regulate, which is...

Market Disruption

Introduction to Economics Markets

Why Should I Care? Markets are supposed to be stable and self-regulating. But social and natural events can disrupt markets and wreak havoc on regular peoples’ lives. Predicting how markets will react to outside factors can make you rich, or at least avoid be...

The Circular Flow of Money

Introduction to Economics Indicators

Why Should I Care? What you do affects other people. The money you spend on clothes, music, and food, is reused in the economy and becomes income for other people. This cycle is important to understand as it emphasizes both the power and the fragility of the ...

Labour Markets

Introduction to Economics Indicators

Why Should I Care? The level of employment determines how wealthy most people are. Not having a job often means hardship and poverty. If too many people don’t work, this affects the whole economy. This Lecture Has 4 Parts The Labour Force Unemployment T...


Introduction to Economics Indicators

Why Should I Care? The amount of money in circulation is a really important issue in economics. It's going to affect your ability to get a loan to buy a house, or a car, and the price of everything else on the market. This Lecture Has 7 Parts Definition a...


Introduction to Economics Indicators

Why Should I Care? Everyone cares about prices. When things are cheap, we are richer. And when things are expensive, we are poorer. Enough said? This Lecture Has 4 Parts Why Inflation? Types of Inflation Winners and Losers of Inflation Consumer Price I...

Business Cycles

Introduction to Economics Indicators

Why Should I Care? Our economy is not always stable. It grows and shrinks, sometimes violently, wreaking havoc on families and communities through inflation or unemployment. There is a silver lining; business cycles can provide opportunities to those who unde...


Introduction to Economics Markets

Why Should I Care? There seem to be rules that govern markets. For example, no one can sell more stuff, than what people are willing to buy. At least not in a free market. This idea of demand – how much people are willing to buy – is at the heart of economics...

International Accounts

Introduction to Economics Indicators

Why Should I Care? Most of the things we buy nowadays come from abroad. If they become more expensive, it affects our purchasing power. All of a sudden, what happens in other countries, and how our exchange rate of the Canadian dollar reacts to that, really m...

Canada in the World Economy

Introduction to Economics Indicators

Why Should I Care? The world you know is globalized. It was not quite that way before. What goes on in Asia affects you more than ever. For example, a strike in a Chinese manufacture in August, can affect the supply of toys in Montreal in December. Explain th...

Institutions and Political-Economy Systems

Introduction to Economics The Science of Economies

Why Should I Care? Would you prefer to live in a system where people are free to produce and buy what they want? Or would you prefer to live in an economy where most decisions are made by political committees? Sounds like a rhetorical question, but its not. T...

Keynesian Macroeconomic Theory

Introduction to Economics Macroeconomic Models

Why Should I Care? Politicians spend your money. You might want to understand what their arguments are for increasing expenditures, or changing tax rates. Hint: most of their arguments come from Keynes’ macroeconomic theory. This Lecture Has 8 Parts Sorti...

Consensus Macroeconomic Theory

Introduction to Economics Macroeconomic Models

Why Should I Care? Politicians spend your money. You might want to understand what their arguments are for increasing expenditures or changing tax rates. Hint: most of their arguments come from macroeconomic theory. This is the most used macroeconomic model, ...

Long-Run Consensus Macroeconomic Theory

Introduction to Economics Macroeconomic Models

Why Should I Care? Comparing actual production levels to the full potential of our economy is useful to understand whether or not the government should intervene to create jobs, or to stem inflation. This Lecture Has 5 Parts What is the Long-Run? Long-Ru...

The Government Budget

Introduction to Economics Macroeconomic Policy

Why Should I Care? Politicians are taxing you, and spending your money. You might be interested to know how much, and where the money goes. This Lecture Has 6 Parts The Flow of Tax Money in Canada The Balanced Budget Federal Tax Revenue Federal Governm...

The Quebec Budget

Introduction to Economics Macroeconomic Policy

Why Should I Care ? If you live in Quebec, you would be interested in knowing how your taxes are being used. The province has used innovative strategies in the past to develop its economy, such as creating its own pension fund, public auto insurance, Hydro-Qu...

Monopoly and Imperfect Competition

Introduction to Economics Markets

Why Should I Care? Markets are not always perfect, and consumers sometimes pay too much for what they get. Producers will always try to “Cherry Pick” the best prices from consumers’ demand schedule. This Lecture Has 3 Parts Monopoly Oligopoly Monopolist...

Politique macroéconomique

Initiation à l’économie globale

Les modèles incluent la croix keynésienne et AD-AS. Discussion sur les macro-institutions telles que le Parlement, la Banque centrale et leurs politiques fiscales, monétaires et industrielles associées.

IAGA Global Case Competition

Chapter 6-Planning for and Recruiting Human Resources

Managing People_Dawson College

Workforce planning is a process for aligning human resources—as a function and the people—in support of the organization’s strategy over a long-term planning horizon. In this section, we’ll discuss what the workforce planning process entails, including its ali...

Principles of Scientific Research

Research Methods

These principles apply to all disciplines, and methods, used in social science. They are universal in their use and prescription.

Introduction of Prof. Cameron Welsh

Case Competition Series - Coaching

About this custom course

Managing People_Dawson College

This section includes the table of contents and other introductory pages for this course.

Chapter 1 - Individual Differences : Personality, Stress and Emotions

Managing People_Dawson College

Personality traits play a role in every relationship. Individual personalities help to form an organization’s culture and image. Therefore, every successful organization relies heavily on the personality traits of its employees. While everyone has a different ...

Chapter 2 - Motivation and Performance

Managing People_Dawson College

Motivation for employees is key for organizations that want to maximize productivity and profit. Luckily, research provides us with a number of insights into how to improve employee motivation. The manager who has a clear understanding of motivation, incl...

Chapter 3 - Managing Groups and Teams

Managing People_Dawson College

It’s hard to describe the difference between a group and a team without using a sports analogy, because the benefits of teamwork, and the obvious differences between group and team, reveal themselves so readily on the football field, the baseball diamond, or w...

Chapter 4 - Leadership, Power & Influence

Managing People_Dawson College

Why learn about good and poor leadership? Is there someone in particular that pops into your head when someone mentions the term “leader”? Perhaps you think of someone like Jeff Bezos, who founded Amazon and radically changed the way people shop today. Or m...

Chapter 5 - Legal Side

Managing People_Dawson College

The legislative framework that is adopted by governments is a reflection of our values. For the HR manager, a clear understanding of the legal framework is absolutely necessary. Human resources managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the opera...

Chapter 7 -Selecting Employees

Managing People_Dawson College

Indicateurs économiques

Initiation à l’économie globale

Cette section couvre les mesures globales macroéconomiques, des mesures agrégées, telles que le PIB, le chômage et l'inflation des prix. Les institutions discutées incluent le Parlement, la Banque du Canada. Les sujets incluent la banque, les coopératives de c...

Chapter 8 - Managing Employee Performance

Managing People_Dawson College

Chapter 9- Total Rewards

Managing People_Dawson College

La science économique

Initiation à l’économie globale


Initiation à l’économie globale

General Information

Research Methods

Supplementary Material

Research Methods


Initiation à l’économie globale

Cas sur innovatank

Initiation à l’économie globale

Fiscal Policy

Introduction to Economics Macroeconomic Policy

Why Should I Care? Politicians are taxing you, and spending your money. You might be interested to know why. Often, government is using its budget to try to “fine-tune” the economy to create jobs or stem inflation. This Lecture Has 5 Parts Automatic Stabi...