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Human Resource Management - The Notebook

Course Structure

Week 1 - Introduction to HRM

Agenda Week 1 HRM

This is sent by Announcement at the end of each week to remind you. We begin on a Wednesday Aug ...

Introduction to HRM

In today's world, the role of Human Resource Management deals with employees' emotions, situation...

Geneviève Lavigueur - VP People at DesignStripe Introduction to Geneviève What i...

Introduction to Personality and Behavior in the Workplace

Personality Traits Recognizing your personality traits is the first step in successfully achievi...

Individualized Management

When asked what type of company college students want to work for when they graduate, a common an...

Introduction to Workplace Influence on Individuality

Today’s workforce is a balancing act. It is important to promote diverse thinking while also alig...

Extroversion & Introversion

Managing Introverts and Extroverts in the Hybrid Workplace *ARTICLE* by: Erica Dhawan From less...

Technology and Organizational Behaviour

How technology can impact people's organizational behaviour  Communication Technology has made ...

What is Stress?

Like motivation, stress is a very individual experience. One person can feel extreme pressure and...

Sources of Stress

If you poll a group of individuals about what their biggest stressors are, they’re likely to give...

Consequences and Costs of Stress

Today’s typical workplace expects quite a bit from its employees. In a climate of layoffs and dow...

Workplace Stress Management

Back in 1908, psychologists Robert Yerkes and John Dodson developed a theory about stress and per...

Organizational Approaches to Stress Management

In addition to careful job design and managing stifling company cultures, organizations are takin...

Managerial Approaches to Stress Management

When we talked about individuals exercising time management techniques as a way of achieving a be...

Conclusion: Managing Stress and Emotions

Stress. It happens when an individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraint or demand rel...

Week 2 - Legal Frameworks

Week 3- Legal Framework Continued

Agenda Week 3 QLM

This is sent by Announcement at the end of each week to remind you. Reserve Sep 4th for class as...

Begin Project Part 3

Why It Matters: Employee Rights and Responsibilities

Why learn about rights and responsibilities of employees and their employers? In business it is ...

Introduction to Laws and Employee Rights

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss laws relating to employee rights Legislation and associated cou...

Employee Information

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss laws related to employee information Employee informa...

Employee Behavior Outside of Work

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss laws related to employee behavior outside of the workplace Di...

Introduction to Employee-Employer Contracts

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss the employee-employer contractual relationship In the United St...

Employment at Will Doctrine

LEARNING OUTCOMES Explain the Employment at Will Doctrine Identify exceptions to the Em...

Introduction to Disciplinary Factors and Guidelines

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss disciplinary factors and guidelines We often think of disciplin...

The Purpose of Discipline

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the purpose of discipline Every effective organizat...

Progressive Discipline

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the progressive discipline process In order to avoid ...

Formalizing Behavior Standards, Consequences, and Procedures

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss laws relating to employee rights Discuss disciplinary factors and gui...

Putting It Together: Employee Rights and Responsibilities

In the workplace, as in society, employees and employers have both rights and responsibilities. F...

Discussion: Employee Rights and Responsibilities

Step 1: To view this discussion prompt, click on Discussion: Employee Rights and Responsibilities...

Week 4 - Workplace Conflict, Health and Safety

Module 6: Recruitment and Selection

Week 8 - Onboarding and Orientation

Agenda Week 8 QLM

This is sent by Announcement at the end of each week to remind you. Presentation Week. You must ...

Why It Matters: Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees

Why learn about onboarding, employee training, and development and career management strategies? ...

Introduction to Onboarding Employees

What you’ll learn to do: Explain the value of onboarding Onboarding isn’t standard operating pro...

Benefits of Onboarding

LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify the benefits of onboarding Onboarding is the proce...

Methods of Onboarding

LEARNING OUTCOMES Evaluate various methods of onboarding Onboarding approaches ...

Introduction to Training Employees

What you’ll learn to do: Explain how to design, conduct and evaluate employee training Given the...

Identifying Training Gaps

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss how to identify training gaps A training gap exists w...

The ADDIE Model

LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe the ADDIE Model of instructional design ADDIE is the...

Employee Training Methods

LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe employee training methods As is true with almost eve...

Evaluating Training Effectiveness

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss how to evaluate training effectiveness The most commo...

Introduction to Developing Employees

What you’ll learn to do: Explain how to develop employees Employee training and development and ...

Employee Development

LEARNING OUTCOMES Differentiate between employee training and employee development Eval...

Career Management

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss various approaches to career management Although busi...

Putting It Together: Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees

Of course, building talent is not a new idea. As Zig Ziglar famously noted: “You don’t build a bu...

Discussion: Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees

Step 1: To view this discussion prompt, click on Discussion: Onboarding, Training, and Developing...

Assignment: Effective Onboarding Presentation

Step 1: To view this assignment, click on Assignment: Effective Onboarding Presentation. Step 2:...

Week 9 - Thanksgiving (No lecture)

Week 10 - Review Session TEST 2

Week 12 - Project Work Week

Week 14 - Review TEST 3

Week 15 - Unionization - Labor Rights

Agenda Week 15 QLM

This is sent by Announcement at the end of each week to remind you. What we will tackle in class...

Why It Matters: Union–Management Relations

Why learn about unions and union–management relations? Figure 1. Senator Rober...

Introduction to Workers and Unions

What you’ll learn to do: Explain why and how workers join unions notes that “the lab...

Why Unions

LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify the reasons workers join unions There has been a l...

Organizing a Union

LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe the steps in the union organizing process Describe employer ...

Collective Bargaining

LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe the collective bargaining process Once a union has b...

Introduction to Laws and Unions

What you’ll learn to do: Describe the laws that impact union and management relations Our laws s...

Laws and Executive Orders

LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe the impact of the Wagner Act on labor and management relati...

Janus v. AFSCME

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the impact of the Supreme Court decision in Janus v. AFSCME ...

Introduction to the Role of Unions

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss the changing role and relevance of unions Unions have been a pa...

The Role of Unions

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the current relevance of unions Although organized la...

Putting It Together: Union–Management Relations

The workplace changed radically—and for the better—since the early 1900s. Worker and union member...

Discussion: Union–Management Relations

Step 1: To view this discussion prompt, click on Discussion: Union-Management Relations. Step 2:...

Assignment: The Future of Unions

Step 1: To view this assignment, click on Assignment: The Future of Unions. Step 2: Follow the i...

Week 16 - Final Presentations

Challenge 2 Details

2 HR Managers ($50,000 per annum)1 CEO - (choice) 1 Marketing Manager ($55,000 per annum)1 Chief ...